Saturday 17 December 2022




Everett storms into the shower and slams the sliding door shut. He removes his underwear and tosses them over at Knox.

They land at his feet instead of his head.

Knox chuckles. “Smartass.”

When the hot water comes on, only then does Knox look away, smiling to himself for no reason. He pulls out his phone and sends a few texts while Everett washes his trauma away.

Fifteen minutes later, Everett asks Knox for the towel. He hands it over without teasing, and even allows Everett to get dressed with the bathroom door closed. Not like there’s anything inside he can use as a weapon. Though it would be a comical sight to see him charge at Knox with a toothbrush in his hand.

“Come sit.” Knox is at the foot of his king-sized bed, patting the space next to him after Everett steps out of the bathroom in his skinny jeans and Knox’s giant t-shirt. Somehow he looks even more adorable than what he did before.

“I’d rather stand.” Everett remains by the bathroom door with his skinny arms wrapped tight around his middle. “And before you grill me again, I really have nothing more to say. I told you everything that I know about Shaun. What more do you want?”

“Your side of the story,” Knox answers casually. “From the moment you first met Shaun to now, I want to know everything. Where you went with him, what you talked about, and what you did with him. Every little detail. Do not hold back on me.”

Everett sighs, staring down at the ground. “I met Shaun at the grocery store. He approached me and made small talk. I thought he was funny and hot, so I gave him a chance. Long story short, we exchanged numbers. After that, things were just... you know, super casual. We haven’t even had sex yet.”

Knox raises a brow. “You a virgin?”

“What? No!” Everett shakes his head, turning red from embarrassment. “When I found out Shaun was a biker, I wanted to make him work for it. For... sex. I enjoyed hanging out with him, but I was afraid if I gave it up too soon, he’d ghost me.”

“Go on.”

“He took me out on a few dates around town. The majority of our conversations mainly revolved around me now that I think about it.” Everett pauses, staring off into space. “Whenever I asked him about himself, he’d always spin the conversation back around to focus on me. I... I don’t even think I know what his last name is.”

“He really told you nothing about himself?” Knox questions.

“Nothing that gave me any clue about what he did for a living with his club,” Everett says. “Tonight, though, I overheard a phone call he was having. He was supposed to deliver a package to somebody, but he didn’t because we were together. I think he was speaking in code, and the package that he was talking about is actually the USB.”

“Makes sense,” Knox says. “The fucking cure to cancer must be on that thing if he was desperate enough to give it to you, someone he’s known for weeks, in order to keep it away from the cops.”

The police, most of them crooked, prefer to make deals with criminals that are on El Chapo’s level of wealth, not MCs who play in the minor leagues. They remain one of the few that The Fallen Angels couldn’t buy, meaning the club has no Get Out of Jail Free cards. If tonight somehow gets pinned on Finn, the man is bound to get fucked hard by the system.

“I hate to say it, but you’ve gotten yourself in a major shit storm by fucking with that Jackal,” Knox continues. “As for your story, I believe you’re telling me the truth. MCs are real private about their shit, as are the members, so I understand Shaun being reluctant about opening up to you.”

Everett smiles at that. He rushes over to Knox and kneels at his feet, hope shining brightly in his pretty brown eyes. “Does this mean you’ll let me go now?”

“No.” Knox leans in close and gently grips Everett by the chin, staring deeply into his big, round eyes. “Did you not hear what I told you earlier, Everett? You’re mine for the night. Until I say so, you aren’t going anywhere...” A knock at the door snaps Everett out of the trance he’d fallen in. He hurriedly scoots away from Knox, his cheeks beet red. “Wait here.”

Knox answers the door with a frustrated grumble, finding Cole standing on the other side with the key to his bike. He takes it and slips it into his pocket.

“Pres said he needs you at the meeting. Finn basically... well, you’ll find out when you get there.” Cole glances past Knox and into the room, spotting Everett curled up in a ball on the floor near the dresser. “Want me to watch him while you’re gone?”

“Yeah. If you touch him or let him escape, I’ll be sure to snap your little twig legs, Cole. Don’t fuck around with me tonight.” Knox brushes past him and heads downstairs to the basement where all club meetings are held.

He’s hit with the strong smells of cigarettes and liquor upon entering the large room. Men of various sizes sit at the long rectangular table, all of them wearing denim, leather, and their custom made cuts. Knox greets his brothers with a simple head nod before taking his seat at the table, The Fallen Angels emblem carved deep into its center.

“You were right about the USB being encrypted. I have Mason working on it now,” Gavin tells Knox.

“Great. What else did I miss?” Knox asks.

“Two brothers are still getting checked out by the Doc. One got grazed on the hip and the other took a bullet to the shoulder. They’re going to be okay.”

“And Rex?”

“His body just arrived at the funeral home. We’ll hold a private service for him tomorrow afternoon.”

West & Sons Funeral Home is one of the many businesses the club owns and uses to wash its illegal money through. The built-in crematorium allows for easy disposal of their enemies bodies, along with their fallen brothers whose deaths require discreet handling so as to not draw any attention from the authorities. It’s been years since a member died, so tonight weighs heavily on everyone’s shoulders.

“Last bit to get you caught up on,” Gavin continues. “Thanks to your idiotic boy down there, we’re going to war with The Jackals. Can’t blame him too much, though. It was bound to happen eventually. Still, I’ll need every man available to help defend this town, our territory, so you’ll need to get your hands bloody again. It’s time to pull The Beast out of retirement.”

A violent ripple of dread mixed with a hint of excitement courses through Knox’s veins. His hands ball into tight fists as he swiftly pushes back against the dark thoughts attempting to flood his mind.

“Hold the fuck on. What do you mean we’re going to war?” Knox asks, sitting up straighter in his seat. “Was the Jackal Finn killed that important?”

“The Jackal Finn killed was the bastard son of Russell Baxter, the President of The Jackals,” Gavin informs. “Once he finds out Shaun has been murdered, and then by who, all hell will break loose.”

Knox shakes his head, confused. “I don’t understand. I thought Jordan was the name of Russell’s kid, and he’s supposed to be off at college or some shit. Where the fuck did Shaun come from?”

“Another state,” Alvin, the VP, speaks. “A few months ago, I caught wind that Russell was paying special attention to a new prospect, buying him expensive cars and bikes and shit. I became curious and started digging. Long story short, I fucked the truth out of one of their patch whores.”

Knox snorts, as do a few others in the room. “Of course you did.”

“Hey, I did for the club!” Alvin laughs, shrugging. “Anyway, I asked her about the new prospect and she told me about a conversation they had after doing some heavy drinking one night. Shaun has—er, had—some very loose lips apparently.”

“What did he tell her?” Knox asks.

“He let it slip that his mother had recently come clean about his father’s death,” Alvin says. “He’s actually alive, and his name is Russell Baxter. She didn’t want Shaun to get sucked into Russell’s world of violence, so when she found out she was pregnant, she left him and ran. Created a whole new identity just to keep Russell from finding her.”

“Shit. That’s rough.”

“Yeah, Shaun didn’t take the news well. He flipped out and came here to do the one thing his mother tried to prevent—him building a relationship with his father. After a DNA test confirmed they’re indeed father and son, Russell was quick to turn Shaun into a Jackal since he failed at converting his other kid. Rumor has it he’s looking to retire soon.”

“Russell was grooming Shaun to take over the club,” Gavin adds. “But now he’s dead.”

“Because of you,” Knox mutters, glaring at Finn.

“Shaun has only been around for a few months. No one knows why Russell kept their true relationship a secret,” Gavin says. “Fact of the matter is that he lost a kid tonight. When he finds out we’re responsible, he won’t stop coming for us until we’re all dead.”

“Goddamn it, Finn!” Knox slams a fist down on the table and everyone jumps in their seats. “You know where our territory begins and ends, so why the fuck were you at Club Inferno tonight?”

Finn, now bandaged up, casts an apologetic look at Knox. He hates being such a colossal disappointment to the man who basically gave him his life back, yet here he is causing trouble even when trying to do something good.

“I went there to meet a woman,” Finn quietly explains. “We’ve been talking for a while and tonight was her first night dancing on stage. I was there to show support, and honestly, I didn’t plan on sticking around for long. I thought I’d go unnoticed, but I brought the guys with me for backup just in case.”

“The idiots who agreed to go with him are new prospects who didn’t know any better,” Gavin says. “I thought Rex was smarter than that, but apparently not. Finn used them, probably guaranteed they’d get patched in quicker if they helped him out tonight. Either way, they’ll be punished along with Finn.”

Knox rises from his seat, jaw ticking and eyes seeing nothing but red. “You got us into a war because you wanted to score extra points with the woman you’ve been fucking? Is this a damn joke?”

“I’m sorry,” Finn whispers, averting Knox’s burning gaze. “I accept whatever punishment is to come, but... please don’t kick me out, Pres.”

Gavin laughs. “I’m not that fucking dramatic. We all know good pussy, or whatever it is you’re into, can make the strongest man do questionable things. I’d go into battle for my ol’ lady in a heartbeat, and I’d expect everyone sitting here to have my back. You fucked up and you’ll most definitely pay for it. We can’t bring the dead back, but what we can do is avenge them. That being said, I want everyone to keep an ear to the ground. The Jackals could strike at any moment, so we need to remain vigilant.”

Twenty minutes later, Gavin ends the meeting. He pulls Knox aside before he’s able to rush back upstairs.

“What information did you get out of that kid you brought here?” Gavin asks once they’re alone. “Anything we can use against The Jackals?”

Knox shakes his head. “He barely knew Shaun, and he doesn’t know what could be on that USB. He was basically in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong person. I plan to monitor him for a few days, see if he comes up with anything new or sticks to the story he originally told me, then I’ll send him home.”

“I’ll allow it. Now go get some rest, brother. It’s been a long fucking day.” Gavin slaps Knox on the back before heading upstairs.

When Knox returns to his room, he’s greeted with an awkward scene.

Everett is standing on one side of the room hunched over in a defensive position, and Cole is on the opposite side with scratches all over his face and forearms, some of them bleeding. The tension between them is thick and loud. Exhaling a deep breath, Knox looks at Cole for an explanation.

“That kid’s a damn psycho!” Cole exclaims, panting slightly. “Ten minutes after you left, he tried to make a run for it. I stopped him, and then he started attacking me. His fucking nails are shaper than a cat’s. Look at my damn face, Knox. Look at what he did to me!” Cole dramatically points at his face, his skin a bright, angry red. “We should’ve shot him in that damn alley—”

“It’s just a few scratches you big baby,” Everett taunts. “Suck it the fuck up already.”

Knox smirks, looking at Everett. “So it’s true, little kitten? Did you really try to run when I explicitly told you that you wouldn’t be going home tonight?”

“He’s ten times smaller than you, so I thought I could take him down,” Everett replies, keeping his eyes on Cole. “I clearly underestimated his stamina.”

Knox dismisses Cole and then orders Everett to sit at the foot of the bed. He obeys without putting up another fight. Knox stands before Everett, looking down at him with his hands clasped behind his back. His grey eyes explore Everett’s, seemingly searching for something that he can’t quite put a name on.

“I’ve been informed that Shaun was much more important than we all thought. He’s the son of my rival, and now that he’s dead, a war will follow.”


“You’re right in the middle of it, Everett. You’re in danger as much as we are.”

“W-what do you mean I’m in danger? I didn’t kill anybody!”

“That’s true, but it won’t be long before The Jackals discover you were the last person to see Shaun alive,” Knox says. “When they realize that package will never get delivered, they’ll want to know where it is. Safe to assume they’ll either think you have it, or that you know where it is.”

Everett cradles his head in his hands, sobbing quietly. “I can’t believe this is happening to me.”

“Now you see why it’s imperative you hang around here for a few days,” Knox concludes, wrapping up his plan to pull more information out of Everett. “The Jackals can’t touch you here. You’re safe behind these gates, I promise.”

“What about my friends? My family?” Everett stands and shouts, weakly shoving Knox in the chest. “You took my phone and never gave it back, asshole! They’re probably worried sick about me.”

Knox acts before he can talk himself out of it. He carefully cups Everett’s face with one hand, his thumb stroking Everett’s cheek. His skin is fever-hot to the touch. “You’ve been through a lot tonight, Everett. You should really get some rest before you completely fall apart.”

Everett blinks, unmoving. “Exactly where do you expect me to sleep? Surely not in here with you.”

“Where else would I send you, kitten?” Knox smiles, his grey eyes shimmering with mischief. “My bed is big enough for the both of us. I’ll behave if you do.”


CHAPTER 18. “Yes, hold on,” I hastily removed my shirt and put on the pile of our bag and her leggings. “Wait, don’t you want photos first?”...