Saturday 17 December 2022




It’s said that God created man in his own image.

Everett calls bullshit on that.

No way is God responsible for someone like Knox. A man who probably prefers chaos over tranquility. His entire aura reeks of mayhem, savagery, and death. The vivid images of Shaun bleeding out on the floor of Club Inferno tumble out from the dark corners of Everett’s mind whenever he tries to give his abductor the benefit of the doubt.

God didn’t create Knox.

The devil did.

“You’re out of your damn mind if you think I’m getting into that filthy bed with you!” Everett slaps Knox’s hand away from his face before turning around to snatch all the covers off the bed, including a pillow. “How often do you wash these sheets?”

“Once a week. Sometimes twice if I had company over.”

“Ew. People willingly sleep with you?”

“Contrary to what you think of me, I’m not some dirty unhinged animal,” Knox says. “As you can see, my bedroom is spotless. Not a single beer bottle, soda can, or empty pizza box in sight. I value cleanliness despite my messy line of work.”

Everett raises a judgmental brow. “And if I were to look under your bed right now?”

“You’d find nothing but a shoebox full of mementos.”

“Lies. It’s probably where you keep souvenirs from all your victims... a tattered old shoebox stuffed full of teeth, fingernails, and locks of hair. I know a psychopath when I see one.”

Knox’s laughter fills the room, something close to amusement twinkling in his eyes as he watches Everett get settled on the floor at the foot of the bed. “You’re serious right now?”

“As the heart attack I wish you’d have, yes I am.”

“Fine. If your stubborn ass wants to sleep on this rock-hard floor, then by all means, be my fucking guest. I won’t beg you to reconsider.”

Everett curses under his breath after Knox stomps his way into the bathroom. Everett hears the faint sound of clothes hitting the floor, then the shower turns on a few minutes later. He doesn’t think twice about taking advantage of being unsupervised. He tiptoes to the bathroom and peers inside.

Knox didn’t shut the shower door all the way, so Everett can see every inch of him from behind.

A massive tattoo covers his entire back. It’s of an angel wearing a broken crown, a few feathers falling from its enormous black wings. The amount of detail put into the elegant work of art would’ve brought a tear to Everett’s eyes if he cared. Too bad he doesn’t. More important matters are at stake, and getting his cell phone back takes priority over everything else.

Pull it together, Everett. Don’t get distracted.

Glossing over Knox’s plump ass and muscular thighs the size of a tree trunk, Everett spots Knox’s jeans lying on the floor by the toilet. Everett’s cell phone is hanging out of the left back pocket, just begging for someone to snatch it up.

This is such a stupid move, but I have to try something... Everett crouches low to the ground and takes two steps forward, his right arm extended as he reaches for the jeans.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, kitten.”

“Ah!” Everett shrieks and staggers backward, landing on his ass. “What the hell, man? Do you have eyes in the back of your fat head or what?”

Knox turns around slowly, his grey eyes blazing. He’s dripping wet and covered in suds of soap, unashamedly flashing all that the devil blessed him with. Everett can’t help but lower his gaze. How can he not look? Apart from Knox’s fat head, his fat cock is the second biggest thing on his body. It’s intimidating even while flaccid, long and thick, slightly curved. Overall impossible for any normal human being to take inside themselves.

“Unless you need my help with something, I suggest you get up and leave.” Knox snaps his fingers when Everett doesn’t immediately respond. “Hey. Eyes up here.” He gestures toward his face, smirking while Everett picks his jaw up from the floor. “I’m starting to remember how you called me a pervert earlier...”

Everett scowls and stands on wobbly legs, his hands balled into fists at his sides. “I want my cell phone.”

“You’ll get it back when I decide to give it to you.”

“Why are you being so damn difficult? I just want to check on my friends and let my parents know I’m still alive! If you won’t kill me, then at least let me have this one thing.”

Knox shakes his head and returns to showering. “Not right now.”

Everett yells every curse word he can think of as he grabs the closet thing beside him, a bottle of air freshener sitting on the bathroom sink. He chucks it at Knox, who narrowly avoids getting his head split open by the metal can. “I can’t wait to kill you in your sleep tonight.”

“Would fucking love for you to try it, kitten. All the more reason for me to tie you up and never let you go.” Knox winks at Everett, and it does nothing but get under his flushed skin.

“I hope you slip and fall in there.” Everett flips Knox the bird before spinning around and marching straight for the bedroom door, opening it and slamming it shut behind him.

The chances of him finding the exit before getting caught are high, but it beats sitting around doing nothing. Anything is better than succumbing to the dark thoughts presently bouncing off the walls of his mind. The amount of therapy he’ll need after this will surely end up costing him triple of what he currently owes in student loans.

Jesus Christ, how big is this place?

The Fallen Angels live in a large three-story house that feels never-ending and is way too tidy, considering it’s home to a group of rowdy bikers. Everett walks past bedroom after bedroom, and the few people that he crosses paths with don’t look at him twice. Do they already know that he’s here because of Knox, and not by choice? Is it pointless to ask someone for help?

This is what I get for messing with bad boys. I swear I’m only dating librarians after tonight... if I’m lucky enough to make it to tomorrow.

Everett sniffles his way onto the first floor. He slows to a stop a few feet away from the spacious kitchen, which is where he finds a group of scantily clad women. They’re sitting at the kitchen table talking and laughing. When a short blonde dressed in nothing but a pair of lacy panties locks eyes with Everett, she points and makes him the center of attention.

“Look! There’s the kid who fucked Cole up. Scrawny little thing, isn’t he?”

“Yeah. Not Knox’s type at all, but he’s already been in his bedroom.” Another woman whispers, though not low enough. “Why is he keeping him around?”

“I’ve asked myself the same thing about a thousand times,” Everett interjects, boldly staring ahead. The woman talking shit swiftly blushes from embarrassment. “Well, this just got awkward...”

“Not at all! Come on over and have a seat, sugar. I heard you’re stuck with us for the night. Or several.” The pregnant redhead smiles and waves him over. She has kind green eyes and is the only one at the table sporting a gigantic rock on her left ring finger. “Don’t be shy. We don’t bite.”

“Oh, I definitely bite.” The blonde laughs and then stands to offer her seat up. “But my man isn’t one for sharing, so you have nothing to worry about around me.”

“Yeah, no... I don’t swing that way anyway, so I guess I can say the same to you,” Everett replies, making most of the women crack up laughing. He takes the blonde’s seat after she leaves. “Does anyone have a phone I can borrow? Mine is presently being hijacked by the asshole you all call Knox.”

“Hey, now. Watch how you’re talking about my best friend.” The redhead teases, lightly bumping shoulders with him. “None of us are stupid enough to go against Knox, so I’m afraid we can’t help you there. But if you’re hungry or whatever, there’s a pot of lasagna in the oven and tons of snacks in the cupboards. Make yourself at home.”

“No!” Everett shouts, slamming his hands down on the table as his frustration boils over the edge. “This isn’t my home! How are you people okay with me being kidnapped? Does this happen often around here? I could literally die tonight and you’d all be accomplices to my murder. Are none of you fucking bothered by this?”

“Ladies, can you please give us the room?” The redhead softly announces, showcasing she has some sort of power around here apart from the men. After the women leave, she dabs at Everett’s damp cheeks with her fingers. “I know Knox can be a bit much to deal with, but trust me, you aren’t in any trouble with him. No one around here is going to kill you.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Oh, I do. I’m married to Gavin, after all. My name is Josie, by the way.”

“Wish I could say it’s nice to meet you, but I’d just be lying.” Everett dries his remaining tears on Knox’s shirt before turning to face Josie. “Is Gavin a member of the club?”

Josie snorts. “More like the president.”

Everett immediately sits up in his seat, his expression hardening. “Well, I definitely can’t trust you now. Everything I say, you’ll just report it back to him. I should go.”

“Don’t. Please?” Josie grabs Everett by the hand as he stands, her eyes pleading for him to stay. “I know what happened to you tonight. You had your entire world flipped upside down, and it doesn’t help any when you’re suddenly taken by a group of strange men.”

Everett slowly sits back down. “No, it doesn’t.”

“I like to think I’m pretty good at reading people,” Josie says. “Once they realize you mean them no harm, they’ll let you go. This will all be over soon, okay?” Everett scoffs, shaking his head. “Despite what you’ve seen tonight, The Fallen Angels are good men. They don’t hurt women, children, or innocents like you, so you really have nothing to worry about. And if this situation ends up putting you in trouble, I know they’ll protect you. Knox most of all since he apparently gave you such a hard time.”

“I hate him. I don’t want his protection,” Everett mutters. “I just want to go home.”

“Right now, you’re safer being here than out there where The Jackals can get you,” Josie says. “How close were you to the man that died tonight?”

“His name was Shaun, and I... we’ve only known each other for a few weeks. D-Do you think it’s dumb for me to be this emotional over someone I barely knew?”

Josie shakes her head. “It’s natural. You saw the man get shot and die right in front of you. I’d be more concerned if you were sitting here with a dry face.”

“How do you know all this? Did Knox tell you?”

“No, if I give my man enough kisses, sometimes he’ll turn generous and will loop me in on club business,” Josie says with a cheeky grin.

“You’re not like the others. You’re... different. How the hell did you get mixed up with these monsters?” Everett glances down at her big, round belly. “I pray for your baby’s future.”

“No need for that.” Josie laughs, waving him off. “I told you already, The Fallen Angels aren’t like that. They’re not monsters. They’re actually the ones who saved me. I’d be dead if it weren’t for them.”

Everett gasps. “Dead?”

A dark look settles in Josie’s eyes, slightly dimming their shine. Everett remains quiet, allowing her to continue if she wants to.

Seconds turn to minutes before she talks again.

“It happened six years ago,” Josie whispers. “My father worked in the pharmaceutical industry, granting him access to things every drug lord craves. One night, a man who’d been trying to blackmail my father for money and drugs kidnapped and beat me. He wanted to use me as a bargaining chip. I was with him for three excruciating days. Long story short, the cops were always one step behind at catching the guy, so my father grew desperate and reached out to The Fallen Angels. If the money is right, they’ll take on jobs that the police should be better at doing. Anyway, they found me, saved me... and I’ve been glued to Gavin’s hip ever since.”

Everett places a hand on her bouncing knee, squeezing gently. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”

“I still have nightmares sometimes, but I’m mostly over it.” Josie sighs, then she plasters on a sympathetic grin. “What happened to you tonight, you’ll eventually heal from it. The pain you’re feeling won’t stay with you forever.”

“I hope you’re right.” Everett exhales deeply, quietly contemplating what his next move should be.

No one here will lend him a helping hand, and after chatting with Josie, his thoughts towards The Fallen Angels have become even more complicated.

“Seriously, you’re going to be fine,” Josie says. “Try not to stress so much.”

Everett rolls his eyes, not at Josie, but at the unfortunate situation he’s trapped in. “I’m stuck with Knox for God knows how long, so that’s easier said than done.”

The sound of heavy footsteps approaching has both of them turning their heads.

Knox casually strolls into the kitchen looking like a fitness model ready for their photoshoot. He’s barefoot, shirtless, has his hair down, and is rocking the hell out of a pair of grey sweatpants. Little is left to Everett’s wild imagination. He stares hard at the man, shooting invisible daggers from his eyes. He barely notices Josie giggling next to him.

“I’m surprised I didn’t find you outside trying to climb the gate to escape,” Knox says to Everett. He walks to the refrigerator and takes out two bottles of water. “Have you eaten anything?”

“Why do you care?” Everett grumbles.

“Has he eaten anything?” Knox turns around to ask Josie. She shakes her head in response, still grinning at both men. “Don’t give me that look, Red. Whatever you’re thinking, I suggest you dead it.”

“Not a chance,” Josie laughs, then stands to leave. “And stop giving this kid such a hard time! He’s gone through hell tonight, remember? Tone down that big alpha energy, for God’s sake. It’s enough to suffocate an entire room of people.”

Josie says her goodbyes to Everett before waddling out of the kitchen, leaving him alone with the man whose guts he despises.

They glare at each other for a long while, making the temperature inside the room soar. Can Everett really put his trust in Knox, or did Josie feed him nothing but lies just now? Everett still isn’t sure which path he should walk. The one that’ll lead him closer to Knox, or the one that’ll send him running in the opposite direction.

“Your cell is dead,” Knox speaks, his deep voice breaking the silence. “I couldn’t find a charger that’s compatible with it, so I’ll have to buy you a new one tomorrow. Then you can reach out to your folks.”

Everett nods. “Okay.”

Knox takes a step forward, sighing softly. “The room next to mine has been cleaned out. You can stay there for the night, or you can stay with me. Whatever makes you comfortable.”

“Oh...” Everett drops his gaze to the table, nervously fiddling with his fingers on his lap. “I don’t want to be alone tonight. I’m afraid of what might happen when I close my eyes to sleep, I’m scared of what I might see...” Everett doesn’t flinch when a hand rests on the back of his neck. He remains motionless when Knox’s thumb slowly moves back and forth across his warm skin, caressing him, and calming him. “If The Jackals later decide they want me dead, will The Fallen Angels protect me like Josie said?”

“Look at me, Everett.”

Everett lifts his head and falls fast into Knox’s smoky eyes.

“I will keep you safe until every single Jackal has been dealt with,” Knox says. “My brothers will, too. Now let’s get to bed. It’s late and you need to rest.”

Everett is beyond exhausted, so he doesn’t put up a fight. He grabs a few snacks out of one of the cupboards and then follows Knox back upstairs, deciding to put his trust in the man. “I’m not actually sleeping on that hard ass floor, so I’m taking the left side of the bed. That cool with you?”

Knox smiles, nodding. “Whatever you want.”


CHAPTER 18. “Yes, hold on,” I hastily removed my shirt and put on the pile of our bag and her leggings. “Wait, don’t you want photos first?”...