Thursday 15 December 2022


Getting back into the routine of college life was hard. I hated waking up early in the morning, showering and brushing my teeth in a daze while I fought to keep my eyes open. I had stopped dressing up every morning, opting to wear sweats, not seeing a point in trying to impress anyone anymore. I guess I could blame that on Grayson. 

He had kept in touch, like he promised, calling and video chatting whenever he got a chance and knew I wasn't busy. I missed him, more than I thought I could ever miss a man in my life. I missed everything about him. His dark hair, his brown eyes, his boyish smile, that only I got to see majority of the time. He was stressed the last time we had talked, which had been the night before. He had been having a lot of discussions with his father about everything going on, and they weren't exactly in agreement on what to do. His father wanted to consult with the werewolves and witches, thinking they would be the strongest allies if the portal issue were to spread throughout the realms.

Grayson, who I knew hated werewolves, agreed with him when it came to the witches, but not the wolves. He thought it was a mistake trying to talk to them, reiterating how quick they were to act without thinking at times. Sebastian just thought Grayson was letting his prejudice for the wolves overshadow his mind, and I couldn't help but somewhat agree. The vampires were the keepers of the portals, monitoring them to make sure those who weren't suppose to use them didn't. But, someone obviously had went under their radar, and I agreed with Sebastian that everyone had a right to know about it. Grayson hadn't liked me taking his fathers side, but at the end of the day, he appreciated that I hadn't just agreed with him for his sake.

I woke up one morning, going through my everyday routine: showering, brushing my teeth, talking to Grayson, getting dressed for the day, and heading to my first class of the morning. It had been a month since Grayson had left, and I kept reminding myself I only had three more to go. It was dragging on, and the idea of quitting and going to whatever realm Grayson lived in and just staying there started sounding better and better. I knew he wouldn't let me quit, so that wish was nothing more than that: a wish. 

I talked to Grayson the whole drive to school, hanging up as I walked in the lecture hall for my first class of the day. Taking my regular seat, I sat my bags down in the empty chair next to me, pulling out my phone and getting it ready to record. As I was digging in my bag for a pen, I heard a throat clear next to me. I looked up, seeing a guy standing over me. He had bright blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes. His jaw was like it had been chiseled from stone, strong and defined. He was also tall, with a muscular build, and looked like he belonged on the field playing football or something. He gave me a kind smile, his bag slung over his right shoulder. "Do you mind if I sit here? All the other seats are full."

I cleared my throat, nodding and grabbing my bag, moving it down to my feet and out the way. "Sorry, no one usually sits there. I've just gotten used to sitting my stuff there."

He chuckled, his voice a deep baritone, similar to Grayson's. He had a heavy southern accent, mimicking my own, so I knew he had to be from the area. "It's fine. I'm sorry for taking your bags seat."

Nodding my head once more, I smiled, turning to the front as the professor walked in. He started his lecture, going on and on for what seemed like hours. It was a bore, a major bore. When it had finally ended, I gathered together my bags, ready to head to my next class.

"Hey, I never got your name." the boy beside me suddenly said as I stood from my seat. 

Turning to face him, I replied, "Grace. It was nice to meet you."

He gave me a kind smile, nodding. "I'm Blane. It was nice to meet you to."

I gave him a warm smile back, slinging my bag over my shoulder. "I'll see you around, Blane."

He nodded, watching as I began to walk out the lecture hall and to my next class of the day. 

The rest of the day passed in a blur, and I found myself standing outside my car, kicking one of the now flat tires in frustration. "Shit." I grumbled, dropping my bag on the ground and fishing for my phone.

"Hey, is something wrong?" a familiar voice called, getting closer as the person walked towards me.

Phone in hand, I turned to see Blane. "Yeah, my stupid tire is flat. I was about to call my dad, though. He has my spare in his car."

Blane walked up to the tire, bending down and looking over it. "Looks like you ran over something." he said, standing up and facing me. "I keep a plug kit and air compressor in my truck for emergencies. I can see if it can be plugged and air it up for you, if you want?"

I smiled, lowering my phone. "Are you sure? I mean, I can call my dad-"

"Nah, I don't mind. Gimme a second, I'll be right back."

I nodded, leaning against the driver door, watching as he jogged over to a king cab F-150, reaching in the bed and pulling out a portable air compressor. He opened the back door next, grabbing a plug kit and jogging back to my Jeep. I smiled at him gratefully as he got down on one knee, beginning to try and plug the tire. "So, I don't mean to be nosey or anything, but who drives around in a Jeep without a spare tire?" he asked jokingly.

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms, a smile on my face. "My dad drives a Jeep too, and he woke up one morning and had a flat. He didn't have a spare, so he got mine cause he was running super late. He bought me another one and meant to put it on the back, but we both forgot all about it. So, here I am with no spare."

Blane chuckled, shaking his head. "Lord. Bless you."

I rolled my eyes again, uncrossing my arms as I glanced down at the tire. "Can it be plugged?"

"Yeah, fortunately." Blane said, nodding. "I'm almost done. Just gimme another second and I'll air it up for you to get home."

I nodded, letting him get back to finishing up plugging the tire. "Are you new here?" I asked curiously after a minute.

He nodded. "Yeah. I transferred."

"Oh, okay."

He smiled and grabbed the air compressor, turning it on and began to air the tire up. It didn't take long, and he was standing up, brushing his hands off on his jeans and gathering his stuff. 

"Thank you so much." I said, giving him another thankful look. 

He shook his head, chuckling softly. "You're welcome. Quick word of advice though, I'd load your spare up just in case."

I nodded, opening my door. "Believe me, I will. I'm just glad there's good people in this town who will help someone out."

Blane shrugged, smirking softly. "I just like to think of it as my good deed for the day. Glad I could be of help." He paused, taking a nervous breath. "Could I possibly have your number, if that's alright?"

I blushed and looked down, giggling nervously. "Umm, I have a boyfriend. But, if you're okay with getting my number as a friend, then yeah."

He nodded, his nerves dying down. "Yeah, that's fine. I will say, he seems like a lucky guy. But yeah, friends is totally fine."

I smiled and nodded, telling him my number and saying my goodbyes. He walked back to his truck, climbing in and starting it up. I watched for a moment, before climbing in my Jeep and starting it up also. Pulling out the parking lot, I began driving home.

It took about fifteen minutes for me to get home, and I parked in my usual spot, getting out and walking in the house. Mom was sitting at the kitchen table, going through orders she needed to fill and sighing loudly. I furrowed my eyebrows, placing my bag down in a chair and leaning against the table. "What's wrong with you?" She shook her head, running her hands through her hair. She was reluctant to answer, avoiding my eyes as she blinked back tears. I pulled a chair beside her, pulling her into my arms, confusion still plastered on my face. "Mom, what's wrong?" I asked softly.

She sniffed, and I felt tears falling on my shoulder as she choked out a sob. "Rog...he.."

My ears pricked at Uncle Rogers nickname. "Mom, what's wrong with Uncle Roger?" 

She sniffed again, pulling back and placing her hands on my arms. "He..he's in the hospital. I just got the call a few minutes ago."

My eyes widened, and panic filled me. "What happened?!"

"He..he was attacked last night. They don't know what going on. He's super sick though, hun." Mom said through her tears. 

I took a deep breath, pulling my phone out my pocket. "Sick how?"

Mom sighed, standing and grabbing her purse. "It's like he's in a lot of pain. He's been screaming since last night when the neighbors called the police. They can't sedate him."

I didn't know much about the transformation from human to vampire, other than the fact that the vampire responsible for the transformation determined if it was painless or not. I knew what was happening to Roger, and I knew Grayson was the first person to call. As I began to dial his number, Mom grabbed her keys from the table and rushed to the door. I stopped her, grabbing her arm and turning her to face me. "Mom, look, I can't tell you exactly what's going on right now; but please, just trust me. I know what attacked Roger, and I know why they can't sedate him. He's...he's not sick. And I need to get in touch with Grayson to help him. So please, don't go to the hospital. Just stay here with me until I get in touch with Gray."

Her eyebrows furrowed, but she dropped her keys nevertheless. "Grace, what's going on? What can Grayson do?"

I sighed, pressing dial on the phone and placing it to my ear. "Just, trust me. Please? Me and Grayson will explain. I have to get him here first though."

Mom sighed but nodded, sitting back down at the table, tears continuing to stream down her face. I walked upstairs to my room, the phone dialing and ultimately going to voicemail. "Dammit, Grayson!" I cursed, dialing it again. Finally, on the third try, he picked up.

"Hey, sorry. I was in a meeting. Is everything okay?" he rushed out, his deep voice filled with concern. I could here shuffling in the background, and muffled voices talking.

"No, it's not. Someone needs to get here, like now. Roger was attacked last night, and he's in the hospital. He's been screaming nonstop, and they can't sedate him." I rushed out, sitting in the bed. "Grayson, did someone try to change Roger?"

"They didn't try, they did." He paused to sigh, and yelled out something in a different language. "Look, I'm on my way. Give me five minutes. Leave your bedroom until I get there."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Leave the bedroom? Why?"

"Portal." was all he said, and the line clicked. 

I rolled my eyes, standing up from the bed and making my way back down to Mom. "Okay, so Grayson is gonna be here in like... two minutes. Don't freak out, okay?"

Mom looked up at me, her eyes wide. "How is he getting here so soon?" she asked, her voice shaking. "Grace, what is going on?"

I paced back and forth, not sure what to tell her. I had no logical way to explain any of it without just outright telling her. Grayson and I had planned on waiting until I graduated before telling them, but what choice did we have? He would be coming through a portal, in my room, any second. Finally, I let out a deep breath, turning to face her. "Okay, so, you aren't gonna believe me...but, uhh...Grayson isn't exactly human."

Mom stared at me like I had grown an extra head. Her face quickly morphed into anger, replacing the solemn expression she had been wearing. "Are you freaking serious? Now really isn't the time, Grace!"

"She isn't lying, Mrs.Winters." Grayson's voice came from the stairs. He was walking down them, wearing a suit and tie, probably from his meeting. "Roger isn't sick. He's going through a transformation from human to vampire. One of my people who isn't suppose to be here did it."

Mom's eyes were the size of saucers when she focused her gaze on Grayson. She didn't know what to say, nothing making sense to her. Finally, she gathered her words. "Vampire? You think you're a vampire, and Roger is being turned into one?"

"I know it's a lot to take in. Grace and I planned on waiting to tell you and your husband, but, plans circumstances changed." he said, stopping to stand beside me. He laid his hand on my lower back, glancing down at me. "I'll go to the hospital and figure this out." he told me me, glancing back at Mom. "Caroline, I'm sorry-"

"You get the hell away from my daughter." she said, pointing her finger at him. She then met my eyes, gesturing for me to come to here. "Grace, come on."

I sighed, shaking my head. "Mom, I know you think he's crazy, and probably me too. But I'm telling you, he's the only one who can get Uncle Roger. If he doesn't go down there soon, Uncle Roger is gonna hurt a lot of people. Please, just, let him explain."

She glanced between the both of us, her face set in a hard look. She zeroed in on Grayson, pointing at him again. "Prove it. And don't try to flash some fangs at me. That can be faked easy."

Grayson nodded and looked at her, his eyes darkening as he focused on her eyes. "Caroline, I want you to take your purse and put it on top of the fridge. Can you do that for me?" he asked nicely, but in a monotone voice. Mom furrowed her eyebrows, still fully aware of what was happening, but did as he said. Grayson smiled nicely and spoke once more. "Thank you. Now, can you please stay here with Grace and not leave this house until I return?"

Mom nodded, sitting down in the chair she once had been in. Grayson's eyes went back to their normal color, and it was like a breath of air went back into Mom. She stared at him, her eyes dazed and wide, questions probably running through her mind. "How—how?"

"It's one of my gifts, Caroline. It's called compulsion. Now, if you want Roger to be out of pain, and all the people within a five mile radius of that hospital to be safe, I need to go. I'll explain everything when I get back." he told her.

Mom nodded, laying her head in her hand. "Yeah, just— careful."

Grayson nodded, bending down to press a kiss to my temple. He left quickly out the front door, leaving Mom and I in silence. I carefully sat down at the table, watching her. "Are you okay?" I whispered, barely breaking the silence.

She took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. "Well, all things considered, yeah. I guess."

I gave her a small smile and nodded, looking down at the table.

"Grace," Mom called, meeting my eyes when I picked my head up. "Let's umm, not tell your dad about this is whole...ya know, Grayson being a vampire thing just yet?"

I laughed, earning a small giggle from Mom. "Yeah, let's not."


CHAPTER 18. “Yes, hold on,” I hastily removed my shirt and put on the pile of our bag and her leggings. “Wait, don’t you want photos first?”...