Wednesday 14 December 2022


I had ended up staying the night with Grayson and everyone else. The next day was Sunday, so I would have to go back to class Monday morning. I wanted to spend as much time with Grayson as I could, knowing they would be leaving sometime the following week. We had went downstairs, grabbing something from eat that one of the twins had delivered. Grayson had grabbed our food, hurrying back up to the bedroom to avoid everyone down stairs.

We sat on the bed, eating Chinese takeout and making small talk.

"So, how do y'all eat?" I asked, popping a piece of honey chicken in my mouth.

Grayson wiped his mouth, leaning back against the headboard. "Same way you do. It has no nutritional value for us, but we can still taste it and enjoy it. Emma's favorite thing is apples, so I always take some back home for her to have."

"You don't have any of that at home?" I asked, laying down my empty food box.

He shook his head. "No, it stays dark in our realm, so you can't grow anything."

My eyes widened. "What? Like, there's no sun?"

He shook his head once more. "We have protective spells over us that allow us to be in the sun while we're here. We don't have any need for it back home though."

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't imagine staying in the dark all the time, having to go to another realm to see the sun. "So, when you come get me, how will I eat?" I asked, laughing softly at how dumb I sounded.

Grayson chuckled, taking another bite of his food and swallowing before answering. "I'll make accommodations for you. I've already informed my parents you'll be visiting, so Mom has already started preparing."

"You told your parents?" I asked, my eyes widened. "What'd they say?"

"Calm down, Babe. They're excited. Especially my Mom. She can't wait to meet you." 

I smiled and nodded. "Emma talked a little about your parents, about how your mom took her in. They seem like really good people."

Grayson nodded, a smile on his face. "They are. Dad can be a dick, but sometimes he has to be. Mom's always had a good heart, though. She keeps Dad in line when she has too."

My smile brightened listening to him talk about his parents. I could tell he really looked up to them and loved them. "So, how do vampires conceive, if that's not too weird to ask. I thought vampires could only be turned by another vampire?"

Grayson laid his food down, leaning back on his arms. "So, my family is pure blood, even Emma. She was created, as she told you, but due to my dad creating her, his blood made her pure blood. My bloodline is the only remaining bloodline of the original vampires, that we know of. We're able to mate, conceive a child, and have a child born with vampiric traits. That's why my family stops aging and looks so young."

I took in his words, nodding my head. "Okay, so, don't tease me for this, but say...we..mated.. I mean, does the bloodline end or.."

Grayson chuckled, smiling, pinching his tongue between his teeth in amusement. "I mean, technically, we have. But you wouldn't be able to conceive a child from me until after you've been turned. If I turn you, my blood will be given to you to make the transition. You wouldn't be a pure blood by birth, but you would be from the transition. So, yes, you could conceive, and we could have children. The bloodline would remain the same through our children, given they were born and not created."

I nodded once more, a blush on my cheeks. "How is vampire birth? The same as human?"

Grayson nodded. "Yes. Myths have given people the idea that we're all reincarnations of dead beings. That may technically be true, but not for pure bloods. We're the only vampires who can bear and produce a child. Our anatomy is different from those created by normal vampires."

"Okay, but, how are you the only pure blood vampires if the person your family changes is pure blood too? Where did everyone else come from?"

Grayson smiled at my questions, a hint of fascination in his eyes at my readiness to learn it all. "Our bloodline is from the original vampires. Not all vampires came from them. A witch from the 1300's conjured up the vampires humans often think of. Her family had died with plague, so she tried to bring them back. She did, but they were simply just undead beings who feasted on blood to survive. Totally different from us."

I was still confused, trying to wrap my head around it all. "A witch? A witch created them?"

He nodded. "I know it's a lot, but there's a lot humans don't know about the world. To be honest, the plague probably wouldn't have been as bad if she wouldn't have brought them back. They spread it every time they fed, so it made it ten times worse."

"So, if they were just reanimated corpses, how do they survive today? I mean, what do they look like?" 

"Elijah and Isaiah were created. The original created vampires evolved, learned how to control their thirst. Most of them were killed by hunters, but the few that remained lived in secret. Our bloodline had already been in our realm, and once they saw the created vampires being slaughtered, they rounded as many up as they could find and brought them to the realm. That's how the population has grown like it has."

"Is Preston not a created vampire?" I asked, noticing he had left him out. 

Grayson shook his head. "No, he's another my mom took in. She felt I needed a brother." he joked, a smile on his face.

I nodded. "Oh, I never would've thought that."

"We're the last remaining of our bloodline, like I said. So it doesn't hurt to strengthen the line a little. Once him and Emma find their mates, if they're human, they'll have children, and the bloodline won't be as bare."

I giggled, looking down at my lap. "You mean it won't all be placed on us."

Grayson laughed and shook his head. "Yes, and thank God. I love having sex with you, but I never imagined having a ton of children."

A blush covered my face, and I chewed on my bottom lip. "Are any of the other realms like yours?"

"No, ours is the only one. The Werewolf, Witches, and Fairies realms are similar to yours. And the Merpeople have a realm completely underwater. They're all made to suit the needs of the people living there. Ours has no sun due to our kind not being able to withstand the suns rays. The Merpeople live underwater, so they have no need for land. Each realm caters to the people living there."

I nodded, picking up my food box and laying in back in the bag it came in. "So, the Werewolves. What's their realm like?"

Grayson shrugged. "I've never been, my people and the Werewolves don't get along too well. I've heard that their realm is much like yours, almost identical." 

I could hear the disdain in his voice as he spoke of them. He didn't like them at all, that was easy to tell. My curiosity only peaked though. "Why don't you like them?"

Grayson chuckled, having already discarded his half eaten food and moved our trashed onto the bedside table. He made his way over to me, covering my body with his as his lips found my shoulder. "Enough about the wolves." he mumbled, kissing my skin.

I rolled my eyes, knowing what he was doing. "Why are you trying to distract me?" He didn't stop his movements. "Why doesn't your kind like the Werewolves?"

He ignored me once again, his large hands grasping my waist as he brought his hips down to meet mine. I held in a moan, grabbing his face and forcefully making him look at me. "Stop trying to distract me, Grayson. Why don't you want to talk about the Werewolves?"

He stared down at me, his lips pursed and his eyebrows drew together. "Why are you so interested in hearing about them?" he shot back, his voice harder than it usually was. "We don't get along, that's all there is to it."

"But why don't you get along?" I asked, still holding his face in my hands.

Grayson sighed, sitting up on my the bed beside me. He leaned back on his arms, his eyebrows still pulled tightly together and lips pursed. "They think that we are the scum of the universe. They are derived from Lycoan, the first werewolf. We, on the other hand, came from demons, who roamed the earth in pain and torment until they found out how to exist here. Drinking human blood gave them substance, it made the pain go away, and eventually, they took human form and learned how to procreate. But, they were forced to a life of darkness in return."

My eyebrows furrowed at his words. "So, you don't get along because of the demon part?"

Grayson chuckled, moving a piece of hair from my face. "Lycoan was a king of Arcadia. The way the legend goes, he was cruel and impious, and tried to trick the god Zeus into eating human flesh. Zeus wasn't stupid, so he found out Lycoan's plan and cursed him to be part man, part wolf for the rest of his life."

"What does that have to do with Vampires?" I asked confused.

Grayson smirked. "Why would Lycoan had been stupid enough to try and trick a god unless he had a demon whispering in his ear?"

"Ohhhh, so they believe it's the vampires fault for them being cursed?"

Grayson shrugged. "Back five or six thousand years ago, yes. Now, the werewolves follow their goddess and love their animal sides. They hate vampires because they were told by generations to hate vampires. They have a pack mind set. They all think alike."

I nodded, laying my head on Grayson's chest as he laid back beside me. "So why don't you like them?" I asked.

He shrugged, his cool hand rubbing circles on my back. "Their annoying. They act like animals when they're mad. And most of them treat their woman like possessions, but still have the nerve to call them a mate. It's sick to me."

"What do you mean?" 

Grayson glanced down at me, kissing my forehead lovingly. "They have mates, like we do. And, same as we do, they have a mate bond that pulls them together and makes them want to mate. Ours works different from theirs in the sense that we don't actually know right off the bat if someone is our mate or not. They're animal can sense it from their scents, whereas we just feel a strong attraction to someone. So, when a werewolf finds their mate, they immediately know it, and a lot of the men will claim the woman right then and there. If the woman was in some kind of relationship with another man, or vice versa, it can get quite ugly. A lot of times fights break out and people are hurt or killed. They rely on their instincts, which are that of a wolf. So it's very easy for them to lose control."

"That's another thing, control. They feed off of it. They have packs with alphas and luna's at the head, then betas and gamma's. The alpha demands respect from everyone in the pack, and from other alphas. If they aren't given respect, it can be a sign of treason or a declaration of war."

I furrowed my eye brows. "Disrespect can be a declaration of war?"

He nodded. "That's why I said they treat a lot of their woman like possessions. The men want respect and power, and they don't want their woman being better than them. I've never met a alpha who couldn't stand not having total control."

"They sound a little..intense."

Grayson chuckled, pulling me tightly into his arms. "They are. But a lot of the woman like that about them. The more powerful their man, the more they have to brag about."

"Well, I can't blame them on that. I mean, my man's practically a king." I said sarcastically. 

He smiled and rolled his eyes. "Don't let it get to your head, Babe. You'll be treated like a queen once you visit my home."

My anxiety pricked at his words. "Even though I'm human?"

He leaned up, pressing his lips to mine is a quickly kiss. "Yes, even though you're human. Humans aren't seen as inferior to us. You're our life source. If it weren't for humans, we wouldn't survive."

I smirked playfully, pressing my lips back to his. "So we're basically gods then?" I mumbled over his lips playfully. 

He pulled my bottom lip between his teeth softly, a small moan falling my lips at the action. He released my lip, his own hovering over mine, barely brushing against my own. "I wouldn't say that. Even though you're as close to a goddess as I'll ever know."

I blushed and smiled, eyes glancing at his barely opened mouth. His fangs were barely visible, and I shivered as he ran his tongue along one of them. "What's it feel like? Biting someone?"

"Not any different than eating. They retract back to their normal size once we begin feeding."

I gently took my finger, barely grazing his left fang, feeling the sharpness of it. "Does it hurt? Being bitten I mean?"

He took my finger, pressing it against the tip of his fang. I felt a small prick, barely noticeable on the end of my finger. His tongue ran over the small wound, catching what little bit of blood seeped out. "Not unless we want it too."

I felt a wave of want run through me, want from him to bite me, claim me. He felt it too. I could tell the way his eyes darkened slightly as his tongue ran over the tip of my finger. He wanted it too, as much as I did. "Will you?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

His eyes searched mine, looking for any indication I didn't really want him too. After he found none, he nodded, pulling me to straddle his waist. My heart rate picked up, anticipation coursing through me. He sat up with me in his lap, his tall upper body causing him to tower over me, even from our seated position. He looked like a predator with his fangs elongated, the tips of them razor sharp and glistening in the light. There wasn't an ounce of fear in me though, if anything, excitement and lust for him pumped through me. 

His hand tangled softly in my hair on the back of my head, pulling my mouth down to his in a hot and searing kiss. He kissed me hungrily, his fangs scratching against my lips every couple of kisses, but not breaking skin. His lips tore away from mine after a moment, placing them on my jaw and quickly kissing his way to his favorite spot on my neck. I tilted my head to the side, my fingers digging into the hard muscle of his arms. 

"Are you sure?" he mumbled, biting gently down on the spot on my neck he intended to bite.

"Yes." I whispered, laying my head on his shoulder and moving my hands to hold onto either side of his waist. 

He didn't say anything else, opting to kiss my neck once more, before a pricking sensation spread through my neck. There was pain, but not an overwhelming pain. It was barely there, just enough to where I could tell he had actually bit me. It went away as soon as it came though, instead replaced with an intense feeling of ecstasy. A moan fell from my lips as his fingers tightened into a fist around my hair. His other arm circled my waist, holding me still in his tight hold as he pulled me flush against him. I felt his lips leave my neck, and warm wet trails of blood slowly flowed from the two punctures as his fangs left my flesh. I felt his tongue against my skin, licking from my shoulder back to the two little holes his fangs had made. His lips closed against them, and I moaned once more as I felt him began sucking at the wounds.

A feeling of intense lust coursed through me as he drank. My head remained on his shoulder, but I let my hands explore. He had grown hard beneath me, and my hips dug into his and I grind down on him. A groan left his mouth as he pulled away, a few stray drops of blood running down his chin. It stained his tanned skin red as I lifted one of my hands, collecting the little bit on my fingers. I brought my fingers to his lips, moaning softly as he brought them into his mouth, cleaning my fingers of the little bit of blood he had spilled. I moved my hand to his jaw, bringing his lips to mine in a fast kiss. The lingering taste of copper and iron from my blood remained on his tongue, but it didn't bother me. His tongue tangled with mine, and he lifted me easily, placing me on my back against the bed. 

He pulled away for a moment, looking towards the door. "Emma," he called, not raising his voice to a yell, but a little louder than his regular tone. "you and the boys go find something to do." He waited a moment, before turning back to stare down at me. His eyes had darkened, and his fangs had elongated once more. I nearly moaned at the sight of him above me, looking like a predator, but also a lover. My lover. "You're so beautiful." he mumbled, bringing his lips back down to mine. 

I tangled my hands in his dark hair, tugging at the strands in need for him. He moved his lips down, kissing my jaw, then collar bone, before he sat up, removing his shirt. I followed suit, pulling my own shirt over my head, groaning as he dipped his head, catching my left nipple between his lips. He ran his tongue over it, sucking it gently as it hardened between his lips. He moved to my right breast, doing the same to it as he had my left. My hands ran down the muscular dips of his back, feeling his muscles tense under my warm touch. He moved his mouth from my breast, kissing down to the top of my jeans. I lifted my hips, helping him pull them down, my hand remaining tangled in his hair as he kissed me through my panties. 

He slowly peeled my panties off, smirking at the stain left from my wetness in them. I started down at him, my eyes closing slowly as I threw my head back with a moan as he gently licked at my heat. His hands dug into my hips, holding me down as he dove his head deeper between my legs, my heat encasing his face. He switched between licking and sucking at my sensitive nerves, eliciting moans from me. His name tumbled past my lips, and I felt the vibrations from his chest as an animalistic growl rumbled out of him. I groaned softly as his lips left my clit, but soon were replaced with his fingers rubbing it fast and and gently. He moved his lips to my inner thigh, his fangs scratching at my skin as he placed kisses all around the area.

"Grayson, please." I moaned, tugging his dark hair between my fingers.

His fingers continued to rub my clit as he sunk his fangs into my thigh, sending me over the edge as my first orgasm rolled over me. His fingers slowed slightly, helping me ride it out as he licked at the two little puncture wounds on my leg. My legs were trembling as he sat up, making his way to hover over me. He kissed me roughly, a moan falling from my lips at the taste of my blood on his tongue. He sat up once more, pulling his sweat pants down his legs and kicking them off. I propped myself on my elbows, leaning forward and running my tongue along the muscles of his stomach. He stared down at me, his hand tangling in my hair, pulling on it gently as I stood to my knees. "Can I ride you?" I asked, taking his cock in my hand, pumping it slowly. He pressed a kiss to my forehead, before nodding and rolling over to his back. 

I climbed on top of him, positioning myself over him. I grasped him in my hand once again, lining him up with my heat, before slowly sinking down on him. 

"Fuck." he groaned, holding tightly onto my hips as I slowly began moving on him. His mouth hung open as breathy moans fell from his lips, his eyes watching me intensely. After a moment, I moved my legs into a better position, bouncing slowly at first, before picking up my speed as I adjusted to his size. 

His hands remained on my hips, holding me down as his hips thrust up, taking over for a moment. I moaned, his name falling from my lips over and over. He thrust up into me, one hand leaving my hip to wrap around my throat gently. "Get on your knees." he said after a moment, helping me off him. 

I laid on my knees, arching my back as he moved behind me. He lined himself up with my entrance, pushing into me. I moaned out, my back arching more, my ass pressing against his hips. He grabbed my hair into a ponytail, tugging on it gently as he thrusted into me. I looked back him, watching as the muscles in his stomach flexed with every thrust. Sitting up, my back against his, I laid my head back against his chest. "Bite me, please." I moaned. 

He groaned, stopping his thrusts for a moment and lifting his wrist to his lips. He pierced the skin, crimson running from the wound as he held it up to my lips. "Drink. You'll pass out if I bite you again."

I did what he asked without question, bringing his bloodied wrist to lips, drinking as he said. It was oddly sweet, with only a small hint of iron, and I found myself wanting more as he slowly pulled his wrist away after a moment. The wound healed quickly, only leaving behind smeared blood where my lips had been. I grabbed his arm, pulling his wrist back to me and licking what little remained. He groaned quietly as he watched, slowly beginning to thrust into me once more. I let his arm fall to circle around my waist, leaning my head back against him as my eyes met his. He smiled lovingly at me, bending down to press his lips against mine, tasting the blood from my tongue. He pulled away, his lips going to my neck, biting down as his thrusts became harder and faster.

I cried out, reaching behind me to dig my hand into his hair. One of his arms left my waist, taking my left breast into his large hand, holding it as he drank from my neck. I felt my orgasm building, before it finally tumbled over, eliciting loud cries of pleasure, along with his name, from my throat. Grayson's thrusts became erratic as he pulled away from my neck, his head moving up to kiss my jaw, his grunts muffled from his lips on my skin. With a few more thrusts, he finished, burying himself inside me as he came. 

My breaths were hard, sweat and blood covered both our bodies. He slowly pulled out me, both his arms going to my waist to keep me upright. I caught my breath, my eyes meeting his, a small smile gracing my lips at his appearance. His chin was stained red from him messily drinking from me, too caught up in our moment of passion to be clean about it. I'm sure I looked the same, having never drank from someone before. A loving smile made its way to his lips, as he dipped his head down and captured my mouth with his.


CHAPTER 18. “Yes, hold on,” I hastily removed my shirt and put on the pile of our bag and her leggings. “Wait, don’t you want photos first?”...