Wednesday 14 December 2022


The next morning my parents had come home, both of them going straight to their bed due to the massive hangovers they were both suffering from. Grayson and I hadn't even cared to move from my bed, neither of us worrying too much about being barged in on. Grayson was still asleep, but I had been awake for a while. I was still lying on his chest, drawing circles with my finger on his right pec. His soft snores were soothing as I waited for him to wake up. I jumped slightly when his phone began ringing, breaking me from the trance I had fallen into. He stirred awake, gripping my waist as I jumped. "Can you hand me that, Sweetheart?" he mumbled, his voice thick with sleep. 

I nodded and leaned over him, squealing as he teasingly nipped at my exposed skin. "I thought you were half asleep." I said, straining to grab his phone.

"I was, until I opened my eyes and saw nothing but tits." he replied, sitting up, pulling me to straddle him as I handed him the phone. "Hello." he answered, situating me so I was sitting on his cock. I held a gasp in, knowing that whoever he was speaking to probably was a vampire also and would hear. He smirked, replying to whoever was on the other end. "Yes, we got him....he seemed fairly new, probably no older than a few weeks." He paused, listening to the person on the other line talk. 

I raised myself up, grasping his hard cock in my hand and sliding down onto it. My face contorted in pleasure, but I held my gasp in once more. He gave me a warning look, saying something into the phone. I smirked, leaning forward and placing my lips on his shoulder, slowly beginning to move my hips as I kissed his skin. His grip tightened on my waist as he struggled to keep his voice normal. I picked up my speed, causing a small moan to fall from my lips. It was slightly muffled by his shoulder, but given the booming laughter from the phone, they had heard it.

"Let me call you back..yeah I know. Bye." he replied into the phone, hurriedly hanging it up and tossing it to the end of the bed.

"Who was it?" I asked, my voice light and breathy.

"My father." he grunted, grasping my hips with both hands and thrusting up.

I moaned out, grabbing his shoulders. "Your dad?! And he heard me?" I cried out between moans.

"You started it, Sweetheart." he replied, taking over and thrusting up in me.

"I didn't know..fuck..your dad was on the phone." 

He ignored me, lifting me off him and turning me to my stomach. I pulled my knees up some, arching my back as he pushed into me from the new position.

We finished soon after, and I laid still on my stomach, panting, as I tried to regain my breath. He stood from the bed, bending down to the floor and grabbing his boxers. I watched as he slid them on, throwing on his shirt. "Your parents are waking up. Throw some clothes on, cause your mom is about to head this way."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "How do you know?"

He raised his eyebrow. "I'm a vampire, you don't think I can't hear them?"

I rolled my eyes, rolling over onto my back and sitting up on the bed. "I'm still getting used to it, cut me some slack."

He chuckled, bending over and pecking my lips. "I know, I'm just teasing. But all seriousness, your mother is coming down the hall, so cover yourself."

"Shit." I hissed, knowing that if she caught me undressed I would never hear the end of it. She liked to tease, and I wasn't in the mood. I stood from the bed and hurriedly threw my sweats on, deciding to leave my bra and panties off for now. Like clockwork, a knock came from my door. Grayson had sat back on the bed, laying the sheet over his lower body to hide his boxers. "It's open." I called out, walking to my vanity and and grabbing a hair tie.

The door opened and Mom peeked her head in. "Morning. I was just letting y'all know that I'm getting started on breakfast." She glanced at Grayson, smiling kindly at him. "I found these in the washer last night, so I threw them in the dryer. I figured you would need them." she said jokingly, throwing his jeans towards him.

He smiled, catching them. "Thank you, Caroline. I forgot all about drying them."

She smiled back, nodding. "You're welcome. Stay for breakfast?"

"Yes ma'am, of course."

She gave him one more smile before shutting the door and heading to the kitchen. I let out a breath, pulling my hair up into a messy bun. Grayson stood, sliding his jeans on. "I need to go back and discuss things with everyone about the vampire we killed. That's why my father called, he wants to know what's going on."

I nodded. "When do you have to go home?" I asked. I had been dreading asking him, but it was a given he would have to leave soon.

He sighed. "Next week, probably. Nothing else has happened, so I have to return home and assume my duties there."

I nodded, looking anywhere but at him. He sighed again and walked to me, taking my face in his, making me look up into his eyes. "I'll call, text, video chat, whatever you want. I promise. And when you complete these last few weeks of classes, I'm coming back out here and getting you. I want you to meet my family and get to know them. How does that sound?"

I sighed, my eyes starting to water. "I'd love too." My voice came out as a whisper, and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Don't cry, Love. It won't be long, just a few more weeks." He paused, kissing my lips softly. "And then, it's just me and you, until you go back for your second year."

"I know, it's just the weeks waiting that suck."

He smiled, a teasing glint forming in his eye. "I know, but just imagine all the sex we can have once those weeks are over." He laughed at the end as a smile broke out on my face. I rolled my eyes, a single tear falling from my eye. He wiped it quickly, pressing his lips to mine in a slow, gentle kiss. I kissed back, my hands resting on his arms. 

We pulled away and he began leading me out the room and to the kitchen. I could smell Mom's cooking as we got closer, and soon, we were all seated at the table eating breakfast.

"You look like hell." I commented to Dad, who looked like he had just come home from a fight in which he lost.

"Shut it." he mumbled, scooping eggs into his mouth tiredly.

"Dad got a little crazy at the after party last night." said Mom, sitting her own plate down and beginning to eat.

Grayson chuckled. "Hey, we've all been there."

Dad huffed and continued eating, obviously not in a talking mood.

We soon finished breakfast, and Grayson had followed me back to my room. I was digging through my closet, trying to find something other than sweats to put on for the day. Grayson was sitting on the bed, messing with his phone when I finally came out the closet. "I'm gonna shower real quick. Do you wanna join me?" I asked, walking towards the bathroom door.

"Of course." he replied, a charming smile in his face. I smiled and blushed, opening the door and setting two towels on the sink. We showered, only exchanging a few kisses here and there.

"Come with me." Grayson suddenly said as I was brushing my hair after our shower.

"Aren't a bunch of your people there waiting on you?" I asked, tying my hair loosely in my towel.

"Just a few. You know Preston, so it won't be all new faces." he replied cooly.

"Umm, no. I met Preston for like, five minutes, if that. So yes, it will be new faces."

He rolled his eyes. "Come on. Imagine how it'll be when you come back home with me?"

I sighed and nodded, knowing he was right. "Okay, yeah. I'll come."

He smiled, nodding. "We'll leave when you're ready."

I shook my head, walking out the bathroom and taking a seat at the vanity, my towel still wrapped around me. Grayson put his clothes back on, sitting on the bed, messing with his phone again. I dried my hair, choosing to leave it down while I applied minimum makeup. It didn't take long to get ready, and soon, we were in his car driving to the hotel he and his people were staying at. I was a nervous wreck, and Grayson knew it. I wasn't scared of them, per say, it had nothing to do with what they were. I was more worried about how they would think of me, some puny human, who was dating their leader. Grayson tried to calm me the whole ride, and it somewhat worked. But there was still that little bit of doubt and worry present.

We pulled up to a house, my eyebrows scrunching together in confusion. "I thought you said you were staying in a hotel?"

Grayson simply shrugged. "Yeah, well, that's before you found out my secret." he said with a chuckle. His face turned serious as he grabbed my hand, kissing my knuckles softly. "No more secrets or fibs, I promise."

I smiled and nodded, moving my hand back in my lap as he let go, turning off the car and stepping out. He walked over to my side, opening the door for me and helping me out. He led me up to the front door of the two story house, not bothering to knock as he just walked in. I followed, letting him guide me through the house as I heard distant voices coming from the kitchen. They were laughing, at what, I couldn't tell. But the laughter became louder the closer and closer we got. We stepped into the kitchen, four sets of eyes turning to look at us. I felt my heart rate pick up, anxiety coursing through me at their gazes.

It was three men and one woman. They were all dressed nice, like they were important people. Knowing Grayson, they probably were. 

The woman, who was a bright green eyed red head, smiled politely at me. "You must be Grace?" 

I smiled back, nodding my head softly. "Yeah. It's nice to meet you."

The woman stood from her seat, walking over to us. She was graceful

as she walked, giving off an authoritive vibe about her. Her skin was slightly paler than Grayson's, not having the sun kissed tone that his skin had. She was beautiful, her red hair curly and wild looking. She held her hand out, accepting mine in a handshake. "I'm Emma King, Grayson's sister."

I glanced at him, my eyebrow raised. "Oh, I didn't know he has siblings."

She giggled, shooting him a playful glare. "Technically, I'm adopted. So he forgets to mention me sometimes."

I didn't know what to say, left speechless by her bluntness. Grayson rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I don't forget to tell people. It just never came up."

Emma snorted, walking back over to the island the men were sitting at. "You're ashamed of me, Grayson. Just admit it."

He sighed, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, she's a little..blunt." he said to me.

I giggled a little. "It's fine."

The other men stared at the altercation, smirks and entertained grins in their faces. I noticed Preston, who I recognized from the incident with my neighbors, leaning against the island. "It's nice to see you again, Grace. I'm sorry if I freaked you out a little last night."

"It's fine, Preston. It was just a lot to take in. It's good to see you too, though." I replied politely. "Sorry for kicking you out my house." 

He chuckled, taking a sip from the stainless steel mug beside him. "It's okay. I understood."

I smiled, giving him a small nod.

The other two men, who I hadn't met yet, turned their attention to me. I noticed then that they were twins, identical. They had a darker skin tone, deep brown eyes, and dark curly hair. They were built much like Grayson and Preston. Lean, but with muscle. The man closest to me spoke first, giving me a slight wave. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Elijah."

"And I'm Isaiah." replied his brother, both their voices deep. 

I smiled once more and nodded to them. "It's nice to meet you also."

They both gave me a smile before Elijah looked to Grayson. "So, what would you like us to do now?"

Grayson let out a breath, glancing at Preston. "Let's meet in the office. It'll be easier to discuss."

Preston nodded, standing straight and beginning to walk to the office, the twins following close behind. Emma rolled her eyes as Grayson began leading me with him. "Come on, Big Brother. Surely she doesn't want to sit and listen to the political talk, right Grace?" she asked, her eyebrow raised at me.

I laughed nervously, glancing between the two. "It honestly doesn't matter to me."

Grayson looked back at Emma, his face holding a look of annoyance. He looked down at me, his hand going to

my waist. "What would you like to do, Love?"

I shrugged, glancing at the red head. "I can stay with Emma, if she wants me too, that is?"

She laughed softly and nodded. "That's why I asked. I need a friend while we're here."

I looked back at Grayson, shrugging my shoulders. He rolled his eyes, sighing and looking at Emma, his voice hard as he spoke. "Behave. I'm serious, Emma. I'll send your ass home if I need to."

"Oh my gosh, Grayson, I'm not twelve." she complained. Grayson's gaze didn't waver. Finally, she rolled her eyes and nodded. "I'll behave. Promise."

He nodded once, bending down and kissing my forehead. "I'll be in my office if you need me. Just have Emma show you to it."

I smiled and nodded, watching as he walked off and up the stairs. I turned to Emma, who had taken a seat back at the island. I walked over to her, taking a seat beside her. 

She smiled, drawing shapes on the granite table top with her finger. "So, how old are you?"

"22." I answered. "And you?"

"19, physically." she laughed. "I'm 103 in human years."

My eyes widened a little. "Wow. So you were born in 1900's?"

She nodded. "Yup, 1906 to be exact. What a boring time." she joked with a roll of her eyes. 

I laughed a little, resting my head on my hand. "All this is insane to me. Like, I'm sorry if I seem a little starstruck. I'm still getting used to the whole vampires existing thing."

She waved her hand, giggling. "No, girl, don't apologize. I get it. I was the same way."

"What do you mean?" I asked, my eyebrow raised in confusion.

"Me and Grayson aren't actually related. I was born human, but his parents took me in and eventually changed me. My parents were some of the unlucky ones to catch the Spanish Flu, so they passed when I was 13. Grayson's mom, Diana, is a real gentle souled person. She felt bad for the humans who were suffering, so she tried to help them. My parents were some of the ones she took care of until they died. She found out about me and didn't want the state to get me, or me be homeless, so she took me in. Sebastian changed me once I turned 19 and I asked him to."

"Wow. I'm so sorry about your parents, I wouldn't have asked if I'd known." I apologized, hoping I hadn't brought up any bad memories for the redhead. 

"It's fine." she said with a head shake. "It was so long ago that it doesn't bother me as much. I remember them and know they were good people, so that's all that matters. I'm just blessed I was given a second chance, unlike most kids back then."

I smiled, nodding at her words. "I couldn't imagine being taken in by someone and finding out they were vampires. That's insane."

She laughed, standing from the island and walking to the fridge. She pulled out a carton of something and grabbed a mug that was identical to the one Preston had. She poured herself a drink, moving back to her seat as she took a sip. "Well, from what Grayson told us, you're mated to a vampire, Babe. How much more insane can it get?"

I raised my eyebrows, laughing nervously. "It's...I don't even know. It's crazy, and unbelievable. But, I guess it's alright."

Emma smiled. "Grayson's a great guy, seriously. You couldn't do better than him."

I smiled back, nodding. "Yeah, I know. He's been nothing but amazing since I met him."

Emma laughed and took another sip of her drink. "You've never seen him at court. He can be a real dick when he needs to be. You have to have that attitude to deal with our kind sometimes though."

"Do y'all actually live in New York?" I asked.

She laughed again, shaking her head. "No, we have our own realm."

"Own realm?" I asked, my voice slightly raising. "What do you mean?"

"Grayson didn't explain any of that?"

"Umm, no. He hasn't really had the chance." I said sheepishly.

She gave me a knowing smile, winking at me. "Oh, I got you. So basically, there are 6 realms: Humans, which is your realm, Vampires, Witches, Werewolves, Merpeople, and Fairies. They each have their own realms to live in and rule. Sometimes, if the people from other realms can find passage, they leave to your realm where they can live amongst the humans. But mostly, they stay in their realms."

I nodded, taking in her words. "So, how did someone from your realm get to mine?"

Emma shrugged. "That's what we're trying to figure out. Only people of high power can usually travel between realms. We don't know if it's someone who was already here that was doing the killing, or if they somehow slipped between realms. Grayson has been really confused by it all, which frustrates him. He usually can piece things together pretty well."

"Is there someone who monitors all that? Like who jumps between realms?"

"Yeah, we have a team set up to monitor it. They didn't catch it. So we figure the vampire, or the the person who made the vampire probably was already here. It's hard to know though, cause we have people who have lived here their whole existence. It's just a really tricky thing."

I took a moment to take in her words again. My mind was swimming with questions, but I wasn't sure how to ask them. Emma caught on to my hesitation and smiled. "Grayson can explain it all better. I know it's a lot to take in."

"Yeah." I replied, my voice breathless. "It is." A question popped into my head suddenly, my eyes widening. "He wants me to meet y'all's parents. Does that mean I'll go to your realm?"

Emma smirked and went to answer, but stopped as she focused her gaze behind me. "Hey Brother." she greeted, an innocent smile on her face.

I turned behind me, seeing Grayson standing there, looking very annoyed. "I'm gone for 10 minutes and you're already explaining realms?"

"I asked, Grayson. It's fine." I said, not wanting him to be annoyed at her. 

He shook his head, walking over to me. His eyes remained on Emma until he came to stand before me, cradling my cheek in his large hand. "I'll explain it all to you. And yes," he said, shooting a glare at Emma before looking back at me. "I did want you to visit our realm to meet my parents. I planned on telling you that part later."

I giggled, kissing his wrist. "It's fine. We'll talk about it."

He nodded, a small smile on his face. "Do you want to stay here a while or me take you home? It's up to you?"

"We can stay here. Whatever is good with you."

He nodded, taking my hand and helping me up from the chair. He led me to a bedroom on the second floor, walking over to the closet and stepping inside. I laid on the bed, watching in amusement as he rummaged through his clothes. "What are you looking for?"

"My fucking sweatpants. I'm sick of wearing jeans." he answered, bending down and looking through a suitcase. He finally found them, laughing sarcastically as he pulled them out. I rolled my eyes, a small laugh falling from my lips. He stood, undoing his belt and pulling it off. He then unzipped his jeans and undid the button, sliding them down. Before putting the sweats on, he walked to the dresser in front of the bed, pulling out a clean pair of boxers. He slid the pair he had on off and put on the clean pair, sliding his sweats on after them. He turned to me, rolling my eyes at my gaze. "Shut up. You've seen it before."

I giggled. "I'm still getting used to it, leave me alone."

He rolled his eyes again, climbing on the bed beside me. Pulling me to him, his hand wrapped around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder. "I love you." he said quietly. 

I smiled, rolling over in his arms to snuggle into him. "I love you."

I had spent the rest of the day laying in bed with Grayson, talking about nonsense and just enjoying my time with him. He explained that he and the men had decided to stay for a few more days to make sure no more attacks happened. I was happy, but also sad to hear they would only be staying a couple extra days. He had assured me that regardless if he was in a different realm, he would be able to still keep in touch and see me through video calls. I wasn't sure how, but decided not to look deeper into it. 

"So, when did you plan on telling me I would have to travel to a different realm to meet your parents?" I asked, my eyebrow raised.

He shrugged, placing kisses along my collarbone, probably trying to distract me. "Once I came back to get you."

I scoffed. "You were planning on telling me then? Really, Grayson?"

He stopped kissing me, leaning up to look into my eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't know how you would react and I just.. I don't know. I'm not used to caring so much of how someone else feels. So I honestly didn't know how to bring it up or mention it."

I cradled his face in my hand, giving him a small smile. "Just be up front with me. I'm not leaving, Grayson, and you won't scare me away. Just be honest with me."

He nodded, kissing my palm. "I will, Love. I'm sorry again, I guess I'm just scared of rejection."

I pressed my lips to his, my smile still on my lips. "I'm not gonna reject you. I know what you are, and I accept that. I just want you to be honest with me and not hide things. I'll be apart of that world someday anyways."

His eyes narrowed a little. "You want me to change you one day?"

I nodded sheepishly, looking down at my lap. "Yeah. You don't age, I do. I don't want to grow old one day and have you sitting around watching me die. A single lifetime is nothing compared to forever. I want as much time with you as I can possibly have."

His eyes lit up, and a genuine smile fell on his lips. "I love you, so much. You know that, right?"

I nodded. "I love you. I still want to wait a little bit before that happens. Will I be able to see my parents after it happens?"

Grayson nodded. "Yes. If you think we can trust them with it. No other humans can know, but I can make an exception for them."

I smiled. "Okay."

Grayson captured my lips in his, kissing me slowly and softly. I kissed back, letting myself get lost in him. 

Forever did sound like a good idea.


CHAPTER 18. “Yes, hold on,” I hastily removed my shirt and put on the pile of our bag and her leggings. “Wait, don’t you want photos first?”...