Wednesday 14 December 2022


Grayson had ended up staying the night, due to my moms persistence that she didn't want me home alone since her and Dad wouldn't be back until morning. Dad hadn't been exactly keen on the idea, but after being reminded by Mom that I was in fact an adult, he had let it go. Grayson had changed into one Dad's sleep shirts, opting to leave his boxers on and just removing his dirty jeans. It felt weird, having a guy in my room, knowing that my parents knew about it and were okay with it. Yes, I was an adult, and yes I had dated before. But this time was different. I mean, he was practically my soul mate. Of course this time was different. 

I had led him to my room, where he had went to the bathroom and gotten in the shower. I laid the clean shirt on the sink and shut the door, walking back to my bed and climbing up on it. My nerves were high, knowing he would be laying in bed, beside me, all night. Do vampires even sleep? I mean, surely they would, right? His eyes aren't dark, so he has to rest? What if he sleeps in a coffin? Oh God, what have I gotten myself into?

My head shot over to the bathroom door when I heard the shower cut off, and a moment later, Grayson emerged through the door. He was wearing his boxers and my dads shirt, which clung to his chest due to how much more fit and broad he was compared to Dad. He was using a towel to dry his wet hair, ruffing it up as he tried to get some of the extra moisture out. I couldn't help but admire him, wondering how an average girl like me had been destined to someone like him. Everything about him was magical. From his looks, body, his mind. I was curious though, about his family, how long he had been alive, all the normal things a girl would wonder once she found out the man she was romantically involved with was a vampire. 

He made his way to the bed, sitting down and finished drying his hair. I had already changed into a pair of sweats, not feeling self conscious of my attire, due to him seeing me many times is sweats over the weeks he had known me. Once he tossed the towel onto my vanity chair, he scooted over more in the bed, his arms immediately finding my waist as he laid his head in my lap. I ran my fingers through his damp hair, working out a few tangles that had formed due to him ruffing it up with the towel. He groaned as I began rubbing his scalp, and I smiled at the face he was making. He was relaxed, more relaxed then I had seen him before. "I have some questions for you." I said, continuing to rub his head.

"Ask away." he mumbled, burying his face into my stomach and taking a deep breath in. 

"What does your family really do? Cause I doubt it's as simple as real estate."

He looked up at me, moving so he was able to see me better. "We manage the vampires. Make sure they're doing what they're suppose to and not causing mayhem, like the one here was."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "So you like, rule over them?"

He chuckled. "I'm not a king if that's what you're asking. We stopped having kings and queens once my father took over. It's more of a.. president type deal?"

I made a 'really' face, raising my eyebrow. "So in other words, you're basically a king, you just don't call yourself a king?"

He chuckled once more. "Yeah, I guess."

"Why don't you just call yourself king? I mean, it makes more sense? Just be the king."

"I never pinned you to be the type to like power, Sweetheart." he replied jokingly. "We stopped using the terms King and Queen due to uprisings. People were always trying to battle for the throne. My grandfather had a constant target on his back. He didn't want that for my father, or eventually me, so he did away with the titles. Now, we just enforce the rules and make sure everyone is following them."

"How long ago was this? When your granddad did away with the titles?"

He thought for a moment, like he was adding up the years in his head. "My dad took over in 1600, so 422 years ago."

My eyes widened. "And when were you born?"


My eyes might as well have been popping out my head at that point. "So your 225 years old?"

He nodded sheepishly. "Yeah, so technically I didn't lie when you asked what year."

"Umm, you said '97, I thought you meant 1997. So yeah, you did lie." I said, a smile on my face.

"You didn't ask the specific year, Babe. So no, I didn't." he replied, sitting up and pulling me to sit in his lap. 

I straddled him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "So how do you look so young? Do you age slower or just stop aging all together?"

"A Pureblood stops aging once they hit the age of twenty-five. If you're changed or created, you stop aging at whatever age you were the transition took place. Say I changed you right now, you would be twenty two for the rest of eternity."

I nodded, playing with the dark hair that rested at the nape of his neck. "So your parents? They look like twenty-five years old?"

He nodded. "Yeah. It can get quite awkward in public around humans. I tell everyone they're my siblings."

I giggled, imagining someone who didn't know what they were assuming his mom and dad were his brother and sister. "I can imagine it does."

"You know, there's something you haven't even thought about." he said, his lips attaching themselves to my neck.

I turned my head, my hands going to his shoulders. "What's that?"

"How we eat." he said jokingly, nipping at the skin on my neck.

I giggled nervously, rubbing my hands up and down his hard arms. "I'm honestly still trying to wrap my head around everything. I didn't even think of it." A small moan escapes my lips as he sucked gently on my neck. "How do you?"

He paused from his attack on my neck, moving his head so his eyes met mine. "We have men and women who work with the humans to collect blood. It keeps us from having to hunt, which caused a lot of problems years ago."

"So people willingly give their blood?"

"Yes, but not because they know it's going to vampires." he said with a laugh.

I laughed. "That is terrible. Like, actually terrible. People give blood thinking it's going to a good cause, and in reality, it's feeding all of you?"

"I mean, in our defense, it is a good cause. If we had to hunt, people would die. Humans would die for obvious reasons, but my kind would suffer to due the hunters coming back into existence. By getting it through anonymous donations, that keeps everyone safe." was his reply.

It did make sense. People would start coming up missing, much like what was happening before he and Preston caught the newly made vampire earlier that night. People would get suspicious, and thus start hunting vampires. A lot of people would die, both human and vampire.

"Whoever came up with that deserves a trophy, I guess." I said, still running my hands over his arms.

"I'll be waiting on my trophy then, Sweetheart." he said with a smirk.

I scoffed. "Okay, I take it back." I said as he moved his lips to mine. "That was a terrible idea." I kissed him back a moment, before pulling away. "Wait, how much blood has to be donated to feed an entire race? That seems like a lot."

Grayson shook his head, giving me a small smile. "We don't need much blood to survive on. On average, a vampire can go weeks, sometimes even months without feeding. Our body digests the blood slowly, and since our hearts a have slow beat, the blood is circulated, so there isn't a constant need to feed."

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused by the whole process. "You have a heart beat? Wouldn't that defeat the whole 'undead' thing?"

"It slowly digests into our bodies, and since our temperature is so low, it basically stores the blood for as long as it takes it to digest. Yes, we do technically have a heartbeat, but it's not enough to be considered human. Only my family has a beating heart, since we're pure blood. We have our own children, so the body needs to function enough to produce life. The heart beats only purpose Is to circulate the blood enough to keep it somewhat moving through our bodies." he answered.

I hummed, nodding. "Well, that's kinda cool, I guess." I answered, still not fully understanding everything.

"Mhm." he mumbled, connecting his lips to mine once more. He kissed me hungrily, his hands digging into my hips. I moved my hands to his chest, pressing them gently against him.

We kissed for a few moments before his lips moved to my jaw, kissing down to his favorite spot on my neck. I moaned quietly, moving my head to the side to give him better access. I felt a small scratching against my skin, and figured his fangs had extended. I wasn't scared, if anything, in a weird and maybe even kinky type way, it turned me on more. As if he could sense how I was feeling, he bit down gently, enough for me to feel the sharp teeth poking at my skin, but not enough to actually break it. My hands tangled into the shirt he was wearing, wrinkling it up as another moan tumbled out my mouth.

I was never a kinky girl, ever. I actually saw myself having plain Jane sex, and that was it. But something in me clicked. It was like I wanted, needed him to bite me. I couldn't explain it.

As if he had read my mind, he pulled away, pressing his forehead against mine. "It's a mate bond. It's pushing you to let me bite you to compete the bond."

My breathing was borderline erratic, and I knew he could hear my heart hammering in my chest. "Is that normal? Do mates usually bite each other?"

He shrugged. "It depends on the couple. It's not necessarily a kink, at least to my kind, since it is so common. But it is a preference."

I nodded, finally catching my breath. "Will you?"

He smiled, nodding. "Yes, I will. When you really ask me to."

I want you to now.

Ignoring the thoughts running through my head, I instead asked, "What happens when you mate?"

He leaned back against the bed, propping his head up on a few pillows. I rested my hands on his chest, remaining sitting up and straddling him. "To put it lightly, you have sex. There's an exchange in blood, usually through biting. And when it's complete, that's usually when the human is turned, if that happens to be the case."

I swallowed hard, deciding to just come out and ask him blunt what I wanted to know. "So..we don't have to wait to have sex till you change me, right?"

He laughed, his booming voice carrying through the room. I blushed, rolling my eyes and looking up at the ceiling, avoiding his eyes. He calmed down after a moment, pulling me down to press his lips hard against mine. He kissed me for a moment, running his hand up the bottom of my shirt and resting his hand on my back. Pulling away, he replied, "No. We can have as much sex as you want, and I can bite you without changing you, since you're so keen on me doing that." His tone was teasing, but also lustful as he rubbed his finger along my back.

I smiled and kissed his lips once more. "Then what are we waiting on?" I mumbled over his lips. 

He smirked, his hand wrapping around to my waist as he leaned up and crashed his lips to mine. He kissed me hungrily, as he had a few times before that night. I slowly rocked my hips against his, feeling him grow hard underneath me. He grunted a little, flipping us at a speed and with such strength, I was forced to grab onto him. He hovered over me, looking like a predator hunting it's prey. His eyes were clouded over with lust, and mine mirrored his as his eyes bore into mine. "You're sure about this?"

I nodded, wrapping my legs around his waist. "Yes, I am."

He swallowed hard and nodded, bending down and using his left arm to support his weight. He moved my hair from my face, running his finger down my cheek and resting it under my chin. "If at any time it gets too much.. I get to be too much, you tell me. Okay? Promise me?"

I nodded again. "I promise."

Without another word, his lips connected to mine. He kissed me hard, running his tongue along my bottom lip. I kissed him back with as much passion, my right hand going to his hair, while my left slipped under his shirt. He let out a sound, a growl almost, grabbing my left leg and pulling it closer to him. His hips pressed against mine, the bulge in his boxers pressing against me. I moaned, moving my lips from his and pressing them against his neck. His grip on my thigh tightened, not enough to hurt, but definitely leaving marks. I nipped at his neck, earning a low, deep groan from him. My hand continued to explore his chest, before I finally pulled away and used my hands to begin lifting his shirt. He sat up, pulling it off the rest of the way, remaining sitting as my eyes roamed over him. 

He was extremely built, with a chiseled out chest and wide shoulders. I ran my hands down his abs, tightening my legs around his waist and pressing myself into him more. He wore a lustful look, and slight smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes, pushing up on my arms and planting my lips to his chest. He looked down at me, his eyes visibly darkening as I gazed up at him with hooded eyes, slowly kissing the skin right below his pecs. He grabbed my chin, pulling me up towards him, connecting our lips once again. We continued to kiss for a moment, before Grayson's hands began to wander to the bottom of my shirt. He broke the kiss for a moment, pushing me back down on the bed, and leaning up enough so he could raise my shirt to the top of my breasts. He bent down, slowly kissing the skin above my navel. My hand went back to his hair, running my fingers through the dark strands as he continued to kiss his way up my stomach. 

I closed my fingers around his hair, taking a sharp breath as I felt him softly kiss the top of my breast. He kissed around my breast for a moment, before finally catching my nipple between his lips. It hardened almost immediately as he sucked and pulled on it, running his tongue over it to stimulate it more. Soft moans fell from my lips as I watched him. He kept his eyes closed, concentrating on my breast as pleasure ran through me. A few seconds later, he moved to my other breast, repeating the same thing he had on the first. My fingers dug through his hair, my other hand running over the hard ridges of his back.

As Grayson continued to kiss and suck on my breasts, his right hand moved down to my crotch, rubbing me through my pants. 

"Take them off." he said, his lips having moved from my breasts to my collar bone, where he began sucking and nipping at my skin. I obeyed, loving the sensations he was giving me. I lifted my hips up, a hiss falling from Grayson's lips as my hips hit his. I pulled my pants down and off my legs, my black lacy underwear going with them. Grayson helped me pull my feet out, small laughs coming from both of us at how much of a struggle we were having to remove them. Once my bottom half was bare, Grayson stood from the bed, pulling his boxers down and stepping out of them. I finally took the moment to really look at him, all of him, admiring how fit and large his body, and other things, were. He was all mine to have.

As Grayson climbed back up the bed, I took a second to pull my shirt over my head. Grayson came back to straddle me, cupping one of my breasts, giving it another kiss as his eyes met mine.

"You really are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." he said, his hand slowly trailing its way back down to my heat.

"Thank you." I mumbled, wrapping one of my arms around his neck.

His hand finally reached my heat, his fingers immediately finding my clit, which was already sensitive and swollen, ready for him. I gasped as he slowly began circling it with his pointer finger, starting out slow as to not stimulate me too much to begin with. Soft moans began falling from my lips once more as he continued to rub me. He stared down at me, groaning at how my face contorted in pleasure at his hand. He bent down, kissing on that one spot on my neck, growling quietly as a louder moan came from me. 

"I'm going to play with you for a minute so it won't be as bad when I go in." he said, pulling away from my neck just long enough to speak.

I nodded, my moans falling from my lips like clockwork.

Grayson continued to rub me for a moment, before taking his pointer finger and slowly pushing it into my entrance. A quiet gasp left my mouth, my hand in his hair clenching into a fist; my other hand, which was laid on his back, dug into his skin as I buried my face in his neck. Grayson slowly began pulling his finger in and out, going slow at first as to not overwhelm me. After a moment, he added another finger, stretching me out further. Soft cries fell from my lips, and my legs began trembling as I felt an orgasm building. Grayson noticed how I was trembling and tensing, so he continued to finger me, rubbing my clit with his thumb as he did so. A few moments later, ecstasy coursed through me, pulling a loud cry from my lips as I buried my face in his shoulder. He slowed down, pulling his fingers out of me slowly, beginning to stroke his cock. 

"Are you ready?" he asked, his voice gruff and low. I nodded, kissing his shoulder as I prepared for his cock to penetrate me. 

Grayson grasped his cock in his hand, rubbing it along my heat to wet it. He hit my clit a few times, causing gasps to tumble from my lips as he let the wetness from my heat coat him. After another moment, he slowly placed himself at my entrance, slowly pushing in. I gasped, my kisses on his shoulder turning into bites as he stretched me out. He was large, and it being so long since I had been with anyone, he was stretching me more than I ever thought a man would. He slowly continued to push into me, before finally, he was all the way in. He groaned at how tight and wet I was, a curse word falling from his lips.

He slowly began thrusting, his hands on my hips holding me steady. I took a few deep breaths, getting use to the feeling of him inside me. It didn't take long until I was a moaning mess, begging for him to go faster. He obliged, his grip on my hips tightening as he began picking up speed. I cried out, moaning his name as he eventually begin pounding in and out of me. He took my legs, draping them over his shoulders as he sat all the way straight, thrusting into me from a deeper angle. 

I could feel my orgasm pooling in me once more, and I began rubbing my clit to intensify it even more. He had been thrusting into me for a while, lasting longer than I thought was imaginable. I had orgasmed a couple times already, and was nearing my limit on how many times I could keep doing it. As I finally orgasmed for the last time, I could see Grayson's building. His thrusts became sloppy and hard, and a few moments later, he buried himself in me, finishing inside of me. My breathing was erratic, and sweat covered both our bodies. Grayson pulled out of me, laying on the bed beside me, allowing me to catch my breath.

He wasn't gentle like he normally was. He had been rougher, taking control, but still caring about what I liked and wanted. I had been in heaven, pure bliss. After catching my breath, I rolled over onto his chest, littering it with small kisses as he began rubbing my back.

"I love you." he mumbled, resting his head on top of mine. 

"I love you." I replied, kissing his collar bone and laying my head on his chest.


CHAPTER 18. “Yes, hold on,” I hastily removed my shirt and put on the pile of our bag and her leggings. “Wait, don’t you want photos first?”...