Wednesday 14 December 2022


A few weeks had passed, and things with Grayson were going amazing. We had been on many dates since our first one, and I was itching for him to finally ask me to be his girlfriend. He had gotten to know my dad better, who had really warmed up to him after I told him about the deal on Lookout Mountain, minus the kiss. He had invited Grayson over for dinner many times, and the two had really hit it off. My mom liked him from the start, so her liking for him had only grew. 

More and more murders began happening, all the same as Emily's and her friends. This person, or people, would sneak into houses at night and slaughter the people inside. They didn't care how many were home, they still went in the house. Oddly enough, no one ever seemed to be able to call for help. The police were beginning to think it was some radical religious group doing the killings, due to the fact that they were targeting families who had no religious beliefs or backgrounds. It was a strange case, one that our smaller town had never seen before.

Grayson had been on the edge the last few days over the murders. I had began questioning why he took it to heart so much. I always got the same answer. I just hate all those people suffering like that.

It wasn't a bad answer, it just didn't seem like the true answer. He had become more protective, and paranoid even, always calling to make sure I was okay. I wrote it off as him just really liking me and thought nothing else of it. My classes had been going well, and I was passing everything with flying colors. Maybe college wasn't so hard after all? 

I was sitting in the living room, Grayson beside me as my dad turned on the local news.

"Three more bodies have been identified, and local police has confirmed that they are apart of the case we have been following the past few weeks."

Dad sighed, laying the remote down. "I can't understand how they haven't caught this guy. I mean, my gosh, their mauling these people to death, and they don't leave behind a single trace?"

"I know. You would think there would be something for the police to go off of." replied Grayson, tightening his arm around my waist.

Dad shook his head. "Someone has to do something. There's only so many people in this town."

I leaned into Grayson, feeling how tense he was. "Are you okay? You're tense."

"I'm fine, Sweetheart. Just hate seeing all these deaths." he replied, planting a kiss on my forehead. 

Mom walked down the steps then, finishing putting her earring in and checking her purse. "Okay, I am finally ready. Dan, are you ready to leave, Dear."

"Yes, finally." he said, exasperated. "Women." he mouthed to Grayson with a dramatic eye roll.

Grayson chuckled, nodding. "I know how you feel, Sir."

"Ugh, you will never know how I feel, unless you put a ring on my daughters finger, no time soon I know, and live with her for twenty-six years." Dad replied back dramatically. 

Mom slapped him on the arm, rolling her eyes. "Now, I'm not that bad to live with, am I?"

Dad chuckled and shook his head. "Nope, just hard enough."

Mom rolled her eyes once more, turning to us. "Okay, we will be back later tonight, so Grayson, make yourself at home."

"No funny business in my house." Dad called from the front door.

My face heated up. "Mom! Please make him stop."

Mom giggled and winked. "You're adults." She began walking towards Dad, who was hurriedly trying to get out the door. "Condoms and Plan B are in my drawer!" she called out, laughing as dad jokingly shoved her out the door.

My face was on fire at that point, and it only made it worse once a booming laughter came from Grayson. "I'm sorry. She's an idiot."

Graysons laughter died down, and he caressed my jaw lovingly. "Stop getting so embarrassed by them, Sweetheart. I think it's beautiful the type of relationship you all have."

I looked up at him, nodding. "Okay. I just don't want them to make you uncomfortable or anything. They can be overbearing."

"They don't make me uncomfortable, I promise." he said, gently grasping my chin and leaning in. I closed my eyes, sighing once his lips touched mine. He had become a lot more open over the weeks we had been together. He no longer asked to kiss me, he just did. And God, did I love it.

He kissed me like I was his one and only, the only woman he ever wanted to kiss again. It was always gentle, and loving in a way. The same sparks always erupted whenever he did something affectionate, they never dimmed. It was bliss being with him.

I deepened the kiss, my hand tightening around his neck, and my tongue tracing his bottom lip. He groaned, his hand around my waist tightening and pulling me closer. I was practically in his lap at that point. He deepened the kiss further, biting on my lip gently, as his hands dug into my hips. A small moan left my lips as my hands tangled in his dark hair. He was perfect, everything about him. I didn't care at that point if I was being naive or not. I wanted him, all of him.

As I began rocking my hips against his, he pulled away and stopped me. My eyebrows furrowed. Had I done something wrong? He seemed to be concentrating on something, something I couldn't see or hear. I waited a moment, watching him, before finally asking, "Grayson, what's wrong?"

He ignored me, his eyes moving to the left side of the house. "Your neighbors, are they usually home at this time?"

I nodded. "Yes. Why?"

"I'm sorry, Babe. But get up real quick. Hand me my phone." 

I moved off him, reaching beside me and grabbing his phone. He hurriedly grabbed it, dialing a number and quickly standing up as he placed the phone to his ear. I remained where I was on the couch, watching with confusion still shrouding my face. "Grayson, tell me what's going on."

He held his hand out, signaling me to be quiet as he spoke in hushed tone to someone on the phone. I started growing annoyed as I stood up moved towards him, trying my best to hear a snippet of what he was saying.

"Yeah...I think it's, don't involve them, just get here now....okay...the address is...."

I stood there, trying to decipher his words. He hung up the phone, walking over to stand before me. "Do you trust me?"

"Grayson what is-"

"Look, Grace, I need to know do you trust me? I don't have time to answer your questions at the moment, but if you will give me-"

"No, Grayson. I want answers now! Tell me what's going on. You've been so on edge the last few weeks and you won't tell me anything! So either fill me or you can leave and lose my fucking number." I finally exploded.

He stared at me, an unreadable emotion on his face. "Your neighbors are about to be slaughtered by the same person who is behind all the other killings. I need you to trust me and let me handle it, so more people don't have to die. Okay?"

I stared at him, lost for words. After a moment I found the words to finally speak. "They're out there, aren't they?"

He nodded.

"They aren't human, are they Grayson?"

This time he shook his head. "No, they aren't. You'll be safe in here, because they can't enter without being let in. Just please, please trust me, and I promise I will answer any questions you may have later."

I still stared at him, not sure how to respond. "You can't go out there. They'll kill you, Grayson, please don't-"

"They won't hurt me, I swear." he said, pulling me into his arms. "I have a friend coming to help me deal with them, so you cannot, under any circumstances call the police. A lot more people are going to die if you call the police." he whispered, holding my face in his hands. "Don't leave this house. I promise I'll come back, and I promise you'll be safe."

I slowly nodded, watching as he quickly left out the front door. I stood in that spot for what felt like years, but was probably only ten minutes before I moved and sat back on the couch. 

The thing killing those people isn't human. The thing that killed Emily wasn't human... was Grayson human? Shut up, Grace, of course he's human. What else could he be?

I became lost in my thoughts as I waited for him to come back, worried to death about him and whatever he was dealing with outside. I jumped as I heard the front door open, and quickly turned around, breathing a sigh of relief as Greyson walked through the door. He was dirty, like he had been wrestling in the dirt, and his shirt had been ripped down the front. I ran towards him, throwing myself into his arms and burying my head in his chest. "Are you okay?" I asked worriedly, looking over him for any wounds.

"I'm fine, Sweetheart. Calm down." he said calmly, grasping my face in his hands and bringing my lips to his. He kissed me hard, not like he usually did. But I didn't mind it. I was angry, confused, scared, but mostly angry. I pulled away, glancing behind him at the man who stood outside the door. "Umm.. whose he?" I asked, my eyes not leaving him.

"Preston Jones. It's nice to meet you." he answered, still not walking in.

I stared at him, confused. "Umm... you can come in, ya know?"

Preston smiled, walking in the house. "I have a thing about walking in peoples houses uninvited. I feel it's rude."

I narrowed my eyes, glancing between him and Grayson. Grayson wore an unreadable expression, not revealing how he was feeling. I backed out of his embrace, my eyes not leaving his. "What aren't you telling me, Grayson?"

Grayson's eyes remained on mine, but he didn't speak. I took a deep breath, glancing between the two of them again. "What'd you do with the... thing? Are my neighbors okay?"

"Yes, they're fine. They never even knew it was lurking outside." answered Preston. 

I didn't want to be rude, but I couldn't help but think how I wished I hadn't invited Preston in so Grayson could tell me what the hell was going on. 

After a few moments of awkward silence, Grayson turned back to Preston. "Go. I need to speak her alone."

Preston gave him a nervous glance, but nodded and turned, walking back out the house. I turned to Grayson, who still wasn't looking at me. I angrily made my way to him, standing only a few inches from his tall frame. "You have about two seconds to tell me what the hell is going on. What was that out there that killed Emily and all those other people. What are you hiding?"

Grayson sighed and finally looked at me. His brown eyes were swimming with emotions, and I couldn't pinpoint a single one to see how he was feeling. Finally, he swallowed hard, searching my eyes as he gathered his words. "The thing that's been killing all those people is what people call a vampire. It's been mauling them like it has due to being new to the transition, and not knowing how to control itself. It's creator isn't sticking around to help it, so they had no discipline, or guidance on how to do things properly. Preston and I... we killed it, and we're hoping that the original creator doesn't decide to make another one."

I stared at him, not sure how to respond. "A vampire? A new vampire has been killing people?"

He slowly nodded. "I know it's sounds ridiculous. And you probably think I'm some kind of jackass that's just being funny or trying to pull a prank. I'm sorry, my life's just... complicated."

I continued to stare at him, not exactly sure still how to respond. "What are you, Grayson?"

His eyes never left mine as he sighed once more. "The same thing that's been killing people in your town. Just older and more disciplined."

I felt the color drain out my face. "I don't believe you."

He nodded. "I didn't think you would. What will prove it to you?"

I thought for a moment, my mind coming up blank. "I mean... I don't know? Just don't like, bite me or anything."

He chuckled a little, shaking his head. "I won't bite you, or hurt you. I promise, Grace." He caressed my jaw gently, stepping closer to me. 

Everything inside me was screaming to back up, to tell him to get away from me and leave my house and never come back. But I still couldn't shake that feeling of trust I felt towards him. He had been nothing but kind to me the last few weeks I had spent with him. He never did anything I was uncomfortable with, he didn't hurt me, he always kept my safety as top priority. If he was going to hurt me now, he would have already done it. "Show me. I wanna know, Grayson."

Grayson placed a hand on my waist, his other hand still caressing my jaw as he tilted my head to the side a little. "Do you trust me?" he asked, his warm breath fanning my face.

"Yes." I answered, my voice shaky at our close contact. 

He slowly brought his face to my neck, his lips connecting with my skin, causing goosebumps to cover my arms. He slowly began kissing the spot between my shoulder and neck, his warm breath heating up my skin. My hands found his arms, gripping them hard, trying to steady my breathing. He left kisses up and down my neck, before a scratching sensation caused me to tense up. 

"I've got you. Please don't be scared." he whispered, pausing from his kisses on my neck.

I relaxed into his hold once again, letting him continue to kiss my neck. After a moment, he moved his lips to mine, kissing me hungrily. I kissed him back just as much, my eyes having already been shut. He pulled away, pressing his forehead to mine. "Open your eyes, Sweetheart."

I slowly opened them, immediately being drawn to his lips, which he parted to show two razor sharp fangs which had elongated from his gums. I swallowed hard, my hand having a mind of its own as I ran my finger over the left fang. "How long have you been this way?" I whispered, finding myself more intrigued than scared. I moved my hand, letting it rest on his jaw as I waited for an answer.

"I was born this way. My family is the last pure bloodline." 

I looked up at his eyes, and immediately saw fear in them. He was scared I would reject him, tell him to leave and never speak to me again. I couldn't find a reason in my naive, human mind to do that though. "I wanna be mad that you didn't tell me, but I understand. And I'm not going anywhere, unless you tell me too."

His grip on waist tightened, and he pulled me flush against him, his tone and facial expression turning serious. "From the moment I saw you in that diner, I felt drawn to you. I didn't know what it was at the time, but the more I'm around you, the clearer it seems to get. I'm yours, forever and always, if you'll have me."

It felt strange, having a man who I had only known a few weeks, basically profess his love and want for me. I felt stupid almost, reminding myself of a girl in a romance novel who just fell head over heels for a man I had just met. But something about him drew me in. I wasn't sure if it was his charms, looks, the fact of what he was, or all three maybe? But either way, he had hooked me in, and I wasn't about to let him go.

"I don't know how all of this works with your..kind. But, I've felt drawn to you too. I feel like a lovesick puppy whose listening to her heart and not her mind, but I honestly can't imagine life without you in it." I paused for a moment, a joking smile gracing my lips. "Hell, even my mom felt drawn to you. Just not in the romantic sense." 

He chuckled, moving a piece of my hair behind my ear. "We call it mates. It's someone who was made for you, like a puzzle piece that completes you. When I met you, I felt this indescribable closeness. It was like I had known you my whole life, and I was comfortable. I didn't think it was possible, but I'm sure now. You're my mate."

I took in his words, letting them sink in. I was made for him, and him me? That would explain my quickness to trust him. "What does that mean? We're basically soul mates?"

"Pretty much."

I nodded, his words sinking in further. "Well, I guess you're stuck with me now."

He smiled, bending down and kissing my lips softly. "I couldn't ask for a more beautiful woman to be stuck with for the rest of eternity."

I smiled and pecked his lips back. "So does this mean I have to become like you?"

His features turned more serious at my question. "You don't have too. I would never ask that of you."

"What if I wanted to?"

He smiled, reaching his hands to the back of my legs and lifting me up. I squealed a little, my legs automatically wrapping around his waist. "Then I guess I'll change you. When you're ready."

I smiled once more, tightening my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his. Oh, how my boring life had changed in an instant.


CHAPTER 18. “Yes, hold on,” I hastily removed my shirt and put on the pile of our bag and her leggings. “Wait, don’t you want photos first?”...