Friday 16 December 2022



Jin’s POV
I listened as Kyuu explained his story of meeting that boy in the park. His eyes sparkled. He was overjoyed. His joy was unconcealable. The more he talked, the madder I was.

I was jealous. Jealous of a brat. I sounded so desperate.

Is this Kyuu’s way of telling me he does not need me? Is this his way of saying he is fine now? Am I going to be alone again?


I blinked back to reality. Huh? Kyuu looked worried. I mean it is his life. I have no say in the matter. I am not even his boyfriend. What rights do I have?

“I’m happy for you Kyuu. You found your family.” I smiled at him. “Are you bringing him here? Or are you finding a new place?”

“I was thinking we could all live together.” Kyuu started slowly, uncertain about his words. “Unless you don’t like kids or it’s troublesome or...”

“I’m okay!” I said loudly. My heartache is immediately lifted. “We can go pick him up tomorrow.”

“You mean it? Together? Both of us?” Kyuu stared at me excitedly. How I wish he will always look that way. I nodded. Now that Kyuu relies on me for transportation, it would be easier if we both go.

“Thanks!” Kyuu stood up and hugged me tightly. “It means a lot.” I smiled at him.

I guess the other talk will have to wait. He looks too happy to be disturbed. I wish I could see him smile every day.

“Jin? I just wanted to say, I don’t plan to cut you out. You’re still a part of my life. And I want to move things slowly. Hikaru is very sensitive to emotions, so I think we can talk about ourselves another day. But you’re important to me. Very very important. Unless you regret what you said... now that I have a kid, it’s more complicated and ... maybe you don’t want that.. I’ll understand.”

His voice trembled when he said those words. He is scared. He is afraid. That this changes everything. He started to pick on his arms. His habit of scratching his skin happens when he is nervous or overthinks.

I held out my hand to separate his fingers from his arm. Holding them tightly, I stared into his eyes.“I don’t regret what I said. I don’t plan to let you go. Just in case you’re worried about that.” Slowly, I kissed his fingers, one by one.

And there is the Kyuu I love and hope to see every moment: a shy smile appeared as his cheeks flushed pink, blinking eyes darting everywhere to ease his shyness, he began tugging on his lower lips with his teeth; making him impossible to resist.

“Don’t do that, I’ll take you on this table” I joked half-heartedly, watching him blush even redder.

“Stop teasing me!” He pleaded. Red cheeks complimented his pale skin perfectly.

Holding on to my last bit of self-control, I managed to calm my heart and my organ before the problem grew bigger. So far so good.

“So what time are we picking him up?”

“10 am? Is it too early for you?”

I shook my head, “Sounds good.”

Kyuu nodded happily and resumed humming his happy tune. All I want is to make him happy. I will do anything.

The next day:
The excitement was contagious. I got swept up by Kyuu’s anticipation and we drove out half an hour earlier than expected.

It was my first time at an orphanage. To be honest, I am not a child person. Kids and I do not belong in the same room. But I need to try. For the sake of family. This family.

The first person I met was a short woman in her forties, slightly plump and fair-skinned, with a motherly smile; the kind that any parent would want for a babysitter.

“Good morning Kyuu, I wasn’t expecting you for another hour. Oh! Is this the one you mentioned?”

“Good morning Anne. Sorry, I kinda reached too early., hope it’s alright. This is Jin. He’s a very important person to me.” Kyuu introduced me. I extended my hand for greetings before hearing the end of that sentence.

I froze and stole a glance at Kyuu. He lowered his head to hide his embarrassment. My heart fluttered happily. He says I am important to him. I could feel my face getting heated up. So embarrassing!

“Hello Jin, I’m Anne, the keeper of this orphanage. Nice to finally meet you.” She smiled knowingly. Does she know? She definitely does!

“Hi, I’m Jin.” I looked to Kyuu to carry on with their conversation. He nodded.

“How was Hikaru yesterday? Is he okay?”

“He’s fine. He spent the rest of the day staring out the window. I guess he’s thinking of you. He’ll be happy to see you later.”

I hope I can get along with this kid. I mean, we have to survive each other’s presence. Now that we will be living together. I released a soft sigh.

“I’ll go get him now.”

“Thanks!” Kyuu brushed his fingers against mine as he looked at Anne. I wrapped my hand around his. His assurance is everything I need.


A high squeal reached my ears. Kyuu and I broke eye contact to find Hikaru running toward us. He resembles Kyuu, a little. The same black hair, frail figure, pale skin...

I watched as Kyuu bent down to hug him. Mixed emotions are slowly surfacing. Do I hate this? Do I like this? What am I feeling?

Showing wide smiles at Kyuu, Hikaru perked up and stared at me; his smile disappeared instantly.

We both stared into each other’s eyes. No anger, no jealousy, nothing. Just observation.

At that moment, we both understood ONE thing.

“He’s mine.”
“He’s mine.”

Yup. We are rivals.


CHAPTER 18. “Yes, hold on,” I hastily removed my shirt and put on the pile of our bag and her leggings. “Wait, don’t you want photos first?”...