Friday 16 December 2022



Jin’s POV

Staring at the emergency room, memories flooded back. I hated hospitals. Not once have I ever been back. Not since that day...

But I had to. Seeing Kyuu in this state scares me. I know he has a past. But to what extent I could not tell.

I looked up at the clock ticking by. Time still passes so slowly. I wonder how long it will take. Please be okay.

Please don’t take another person away from me…


I remembered the first time I laid eyes on Kyuu.

He was beautiful. So beautiful. His black hair grew out outreaching his neck, sad hooded brown eyes that were slightly slanted downwards, his perfectly-shaped lips, his always-visible collarbone, small weak hands, his frail figure... Although he looks good in his usual black attire, blue is definitely his colour.

My first impression of him was a cold person. As if he did not want to associate with anyone. He was always staring off to the distance with a sorrowful expression of agony and regret. He is like me.

I pluck up the courage to say hi. Waiting to be turned down, I stared at the floor using my thoughts to comfort me. But I wondered why I was so fixated on this one guy. Why is he different?


I lifted my head out of confusion and made eye contact with him. He gave me a smile. Not an I-don’t-like-you-but-I-will-still-smile-to-be-polite-smile but a genuine smile. He looks so delicious! Can I kiss him? Please don’t. I do not want to scare him off.

I smiled back and sat down. We drank and talked for hours. The more I understood him, the more I wanted him. The more I wanted him, the more I felt remorseful. I am not meant to be happy. I shouldn’t be.

All our times together were treasures. Me inviting him to live together was my last straw. I had to lock my door that first night. I knew I should not go off with a random guy I did not care about. But my patience was hanging on a thread.

Realizing Kyuu saw me kissing someone, my body shifted so fast. I wanted to hug him. I wanted to scream that he was all I could think about. But I could not say anything. I stared at my front porch where Kyuu ran without looking at me. My heart shattered.

I stood at the entrance of his bathroom door. I heard the shower running. Knocking lightly, I whispered his name. No answer. My heart was torn. Should I explain? Will it imply something?

“SHUT UP!!!”

Huh??? Was that a voice? No... I did not hear anything. Why did I hear that? Who’s voice?

I looked back at the door. My heart felt heavy. Another flashback appeared. The one I was too late for. Too late to stop it. This time. I will not let it happen again.

The door is locked! Damn it!!! It took me three kicks to break the door down. I rushed in and saw Kyuu unconscious with clothes on. There was blood everywhere. He cut his thighs. His stomach. And his wrist.

“KYUU!!” I screamed at him. Please look at me.

After countless screams of calling his name, Kyuu stirred and groaned, his eyes fluttering open. Thank the Gods!! I lifted him up and felt him pull away. He hates being touched.

“Kyuu. It’s me. It’s okay now. I’m here. Let’s go to the hospital.” I whisper, kissing his forehead. Please stay with me. I dialled my phone for an ambulance. Hurry up!!

“J-Jin... Why? Don’t leave. Stay with me” Kyuu cries before fainting in my arms. His expression was serene.

“Ssssshhhhh....” I murmured softly, pressing towels on his cuts. Where is the ambulance?! I carried him out to the living room. Sinking him down on the floor, I could feel his temperature decreasing. Shit!! I hugged him as tight as I could. Don’t leave!

The feelings of helplessness returned. I hated it.


Bang! The doors finally opened.

I pleaded for the doctor to say something. Anything. My mouth opened but no sound came out. I was scared. My tears slowly surfaced as I tried hard not to blink.

“He’s fine. He lost a lot of blood so we gave him a transfusion. We will keep him here for a day or two to monitor his condition.” I nodded meekly. “You can see him now. But he’s still unconscious.”

I stood over his bed, watching him breathe in his sleep. I took his hand and gripped it tightly. The warmness of his hand reassured my worries. He is fine. He is alive. I sat down and rubbed his hand on my cheek.

“I can’t lose you. I can’t let you go. I wouldn’t let you go. Stay with me” I sobbed silently. He is important to me. No matter what. I could not run away anymore.

I will be here. Right here. To care for you. To protect you. To take away your burden. Your pain. I will not run away. I will not leave you. I will love you with all my heart. I promise.

I slowly pressed my lips to his. Our first kiss with my promise.

It is both of us against the world.

We. Us. Ours. Together. 


CHAPTER 18. “Yes, hold on,” I hastily removed my shirt and put on the pile of our bag and her leggings. “Wait, don’t you want photos first?”...