Friday 16 December 2022



Pain... I feel pain... Everywhere.

I woke up grimacing in pain as I struggled to sit on the bed. I failed and sank onto the huge bed; my body was strengthless and painful. I recalled how I was restrained and powerless. I looked around, noticing Kawamura sleeping on the couch; I trembled unconsciously as I remembered the night before. The force which he used to beat me up was strong enough to make me paralyzed.

I stood up in pain and tiptoed to the bathroom; not wanting to wake him up. I inhaled sharply at the sight of my face in the mirror; bruised and swollen. My eyes were red and puffy from crying. I hopped in the shower, washing away the purplish bruises and aching marks on my body. After a burning shower, I washed my face gently even though the stings remain.

After I had freshened up, I changed into a bathrobe and went out. Kawamura was still sleeping; I sat on the bed and looked at him. All these nights of sleeping with him, I knew many of his expressions; serious, cold, brutal, rough, gentle, and kind. I knew I had fallen in love with him without realizing it until then. My first situationship ended without even starting. I was determined not to let him know about my feelings.

A call sounded from my phone, snapping me back to reality. I hurriedly picked up my phone. My caller ID showered my sister’s name.

“Is everything okay? Why didn’t you come home?” My sister asked worriedly. “I overheard your “news-flash” yesterday... Was it Kawamura?”

“Nee-san, I’m fine. Don’t worry. I’ll be at work later and be home early.” I silently cringed at my “news-flash” rumour.

People will be talking.

“Okay. Rin was very worried about you. She stayed over last night.”

“I’m sorry… I’ll be back tonight and explain to her. See you later, Nee-San. Goodbye.”

I left the villa after leaving a short note for Kawamura. I explained that I had to leave for work. I arrived at work and kept my head down for the day, completing every task on the agenda. I managed to finish everything at eight and went home. Rin was waiting for me at the door as I ran to embrace her. She was smiling and crying at the same time, hugging me tightly. I apologized softly to her as I nuzzled her neck.

Yuriko came out and smiled when she saw us hugging. I opened my other arm, inviting my sister to join us. I apologized many times to them until we had dinner. Dinner time brought me back to my simple days when I was not bothered by trivial things. When I was finally alone in my room, I checked my phone for any messages or calls. There were not any calls or messages from him. My heart sank as I recalled his sleeping face this morning.

He does not care. Why should he care? You are nothing to him. NOTHING!

These words continued to repeat over and over... Reaching every corner of my mind.


I screamed silently.

Leave me alone...

That night, I battled my nightmares without a single sleep. I was defeated at six o’clock and settled for a short rest before my usual routine at seven.

My alarm rang at seven sharp and I woke up with puffy eyes; due to my lack of sleep. The house was empty so I skipped breakfast and went to work. As I was concentrating on my work, a piece of gossip floated around the office, talking about a handsome Japanese guy arriving for a business meeting. I was shocked listening to the group of gossipers and immediately thought of Kawamura. I was a person that could never lie by nature. Everyone and anyone could read me like an open book. More so by a calculating man with intense observation skills. Just the thought of him realising my feelings, I could not imagine what he would do.

My cowardness got the better of me and I sneaked out during lunch, stopping at a park after a quick convenience store lunch. I lingered around the park for hours until it was six o’clock. Only then did I go home and found Rin on the phone. She was speaking to her father regarding the documents of the company and also the condition of the family.

After she hung up, I went over to embrace her. As I was feeling guilty over what I had done, I hugged her as tightly as I could; causing her to push away my embrace. Realizing that my hands were sweaty, I let go of her and asked about my sister’s whereabouts. She notified me that Yuriko was attending a dinner meeting with a Japanese man from Tokyo.

I silently prayed that my sister could reach home safely and my family would not be in danger. Ever since Kawamura came to Seoul, my mind had been worried endlessly every night as I thought of his calculating strategies towards my family if I did not follow his instructions.

Minutes turned into hours…

Late into the night, I waited for my sister to return from work. As I watched the clock tickled by minute by minute, my danger instinct was getting closer as it rang alarmingly in my ears.

Rin assured me Yuriko will be fine as she is a powerful and determined woman.

I looked at the clock worriedly, it was past midnight; where is my sister?!


CHAPTER 18. “Yes, hold on,” I hastily removed my shirt and put on the pile of our bag and her leggings. “Wait, don’t you want photos first?”...