Thursday 15 December 2022



“You did very well, pet. She’s perfect. Our experiment will be a success. Keep her here and don’t let her escape. I’ll inform the master.”


“Now, stay. Good boy. Be obedient and I’ll reward you later.”


Somehow I heard voices. A bark was heard. Was there a dog? The door opens and closes. No more sound was heard.

Silence. Total silence.

As if my body knew I was alone, I slowly regained consciousness. I picked up a strong pungent smell that shot up to my brain, making me cough violently. I adjusted to the lighting around me and noticed the walls are caved in, with no windows. The room strongly reminded me of prison cells that I have seen in newspapers.

Struggling to sit up, I found myself lying on a metal bed. It was hard and stiff. My limbs were tied by thick metal straps and the worst thing was: that I was unclothed. Whoever kidnapped me had stripped me naked. The sight terrified me and I began to cry for help.

“Someone help me! Anyone there?” I shouted. A bang slammed against the cell door, making me jump.

“Be quiet or I’ll slash your throat!” A deep masculine voice thunders over the room. I bit my lip in terror and kept quiet. After a moment of silence, I heard footsteps approaching. An excited whimper travelled to my ear before I recognized it was the same voice that shouted at me.

“Good boy. Is the girl awake?”


Wait, he barks? But he is a man. My mind descended into chaos in figuring out the situation I heard. The door opened and a dozen men entered with white coats. I narrowed my eyes. They are not doctors. With the number of doctors I have met, I should know better than anyone.

Aside from the white coats, they were wearing ridiculous thick sunglasses resembling goggles and black rubber gloves. The way they stared me down was like looking at food. I trembled and wondered why was I brought here.

One of their lot - supposedly their leader - came up to me and asked me if I had any idea why I was here. I rolled my eyes. Does it look like I know? They ignored my protest and began to interrogate me.

During the questioning, a selected few began to prepare fluids and weird-looking equipment that I have never seen as a patient. I was aware of their movement and sensed danger. As I was strapped down, I had no luck freeing myself.

Two men held me down while another came towards me with a syringe in his hand. The leader said I was a sacrifice for their so-called experiment which no one had volunteered for.

The Experiment

I was given my first injection without any explanation or sedatives. The horrific encounter was too painful to bear. They chained my body tighter and injected me with the more fluids they had prepared. I was shocked to be treated in such a way as they were rough and expressionless during the whole experiment.

“Let me go!! I don’t want this!! What experiment?! No no no NOOOOO....” I screamed my heart out, begging them to let me go.

I was injected 15 times before they untied me and locked me in another small cell; with nothing except a blanket. There were no windows which I could look through. I was in pain and had no strength left. I drifted off to sleep with tears flowing down my face.

“Kaoru? Kaoru... Kaoru...”

Someone is calling me... Who is it? Why does this sound familiar?

I opened my eyes. My mother’s smiling face glazed down on me.

“Mother... Why are you here? In Tokyo...”

She continued to smile and call my name.

“Kaoru... Kaoru... Kaoru...”

I smiled. I missed my mother’s voice. I missed her scent. I missed my home.

I want to go home...



I jumped awake to the sound of the cell door opening abruptly. The guard barged in and threw me over his shoulder, taking me back to the same room where I was again, tied to the bed and the same procedure took place.

A day passed, and another day passed. I grew more and more lifeless as my body eventually lost its energy. Until then, I was desperate and lost. As the days passed, I wondered how long I would be able to survive.

I lost hope. Hope to return home. Hope to escape. Hope to see my parents once again. Hope to even catch another glimpse of a clear blue sky.

One morning, a sharp painful sensation woke me up. It felt like millions of needles stabbing inwards. My organs screamed in pain, the sensation of stabbing everywhere. No matter how long I endured, how hard I punched my body, the pain remained.

I screamed and shouted for the guards to open the door. A guard came marching with a sour expression but changed to a look of amusement before leaving. In a short while, I was sent back to the same room and those doctors ran in and examined me. The pain was unbearable and I pleaded for them to stop. Regardless of what I said, they taped my mouth and told me to shut up.

Just as I thought I was going to die due to the unbearable pain, I suddenly felt an unusual commotion. As if my body is shaping in the most bizarre way. The pain had shaped into a stinging form of an itching surgical scar, only this time it was from within my body.

When I opened my eyes to the confusion, I saw the eagerness of those so-called doctors. From their eyes, I saw that the pain I was now bearing is the result of their experiment. I groaned painfully at the pain.

I wanted to die.

“P-please... just kill me...” I begged.

The next minute; the pain stopped. Completely. I opened my eyes glazing around cautiously. What I saw was a disgrace and a shock to me as I could not believe the very sight before my eyes.

I had become a man.


CHAPTER 18. “Yes, hold on,” I hastily removed my shirt and put on the pile of our bag and her leggings. “Wait, don’t you want photos first?”...